Anyone use Naps?


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Seeing if anyone uses Naps and if so do you guys have any problems with shipping.

I ordered before and had problems
Im like 40 days behind right now with an order.
Seems like ever time i give them a try there is a problem
HMMM.......I haven't recieved my order I placed in Nov. but they told me it got sent back and was just backed up but got an email last week that it now has been shipped, so hopefully things will get strait. I have ordered through them a couple of times before with great success.
I used 4 different Naps products. Test prop, Test E, Deca, and NPP. They are below average in quality. Moderate pain from every inj. I did get results, but less than the top quality drugs like Scherings Testoviron or Organon's Deca. Asia Pharma and Scrioxx were also much better quality. Painless injections.
the shipping is terrible

the dont even read my tickets. Its an automated response

This will be my last time with them
i ran into some d-bols that were blue hearts....about a year or so ago. man they where the best ive ever taken. any body have any expirience with them?

napps carry blue hearts?
Ive been wondering about naps to lately since i place an order back in January and still havent recieved it, ive contacted them several times and they respond right away with the usual line "give it another week". Like i said ordered back in January its freakin April n still nothing! Word or rumor is feds in Moldova shut them down but others as in forums say theyre backed up..who knows at this point.
Ive been wondering about naps to lately since i place an order back in January and still havent recieved it, ive contacted them several times and they respond right away with the usual line "give it another week". Like i said ordered back in January its freakin April n still nothing! Word or rumor is feds in Moldova shut them down but others as in forums say theyre backed up..who knows at this point.

Is there any reps that we can contact beside submitting a ticket
Their was a rep on here but it was when axio was up n running n thats how i came across naps i had ordered from them a total of about 4 times n it was always on time granted it took 3 weeks but always came so being this long it cant be good n its probly the obvious.