anyone working out anymore

I have. Went last Friday, had an awesome leg workout. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow.
Christmas day was my last workout. Been at my brothers and had no access to any type of training equipment. Tomorrow will hit it though.
Shoot, I just barely made it into the gym for cardio yesterday, and lifted today for the first time since this past Tuesday. I've been sick with the flu/strep throat. I did have a hell of a chest day today though. Back to the daily grind!
Nope. Holidays I eat eat eat........which makes me hungry for the gym when I do hit it january 5th. I have a boxing dummy and I spare for 30 minutes a day but thats fun so I never consider it "work".

Lifting is set for jan 5th.

Hector you been makin it to the gym?
every day exept for chistmas, and yesterday was a rest day. not that i wanted it to be but went to the gym and wasnt feeling it so didnt waste the body part by going through the motions. figured i would wait till today and hit it hard.
been slacking a little but thats nothing new with the holiday grind. Still trying to get back into my routine.
Teedub I know how you feel. I get strep about every three months due to my immune system issues. It sucks. Im about to hit it right now. Im blown up like a balloon from all the cajun food I ate this weekend. Sodium sucks.
yeah got a good one in today boys crushed bis and tris i am about 3/4 the way through this cycle and will post some picks in a week.