Anything to help sleep? Anxiety?

ghb use to do the trick lol, but i would pop up after only a couple hours totally refreshed and ready for the day only to realize it was only 3am lol
ghb use to do the trick lol, but i would pop up after only a couple hours totally refreshed and ready for the day only to realize it was only 3am lol this stuff! Just like you said, awesome sleep and amazing sex! If everyone took a little G everyday the world would be a happy place! *sigh
Since that's not a realistic option for the op then I'd have to agree with The Dude, Phenibut really puts me in a deep sleep. Since anxiety was mentioned, maybe go to your Dr and get a rx for Valium. I think someone else suggested that as well. I've had a pretty rough few years and unfortunately deal with anxiety myself. Valium helps me sleep when I need it.
ghb use to do the trick lol, but i would pop up after only a couple hours totally refreshed and ready for the day only to realize it was only 3am lol

Those were the days... party until 3am... pass out... wake up at 6am with an hour to shower and get cleaned up for work and DO IT AGAIN!
Lol yeah man! I couldn't do it now but 15 years ago I could party for an entire weekend and be fine all week , work and train and start over Friday lol I would likely drop dead if I tried that shit now lol