Its an anti estrogen. You should apply it with substances that will armoatise (sp?). Its usually ran on cycle to manage E2 levels so you don't get any of the nasty sides that come from high estrogen. It can be tapered off through pct to help avoid the estrogen rebound that may occur after having suppressed estro levels. The reason its hard to find a proper dosing scheme is that it varies from person to person. Not everyone has the hard conversion of estrogen that comes with some aas or other hormones. If you take too much you'll crush your e2 causing all kinds of sides just as bad as having too igh of estrogen, as well as hurting your gains. So again it just depends on your body. I'd say start with .5-1mg eod if you're not on a large amount of gear and just adjust as needed.
The half life is roughly 48 hrs Btw