Arachidonic acid (X-Factor)??

Ring Steel

New member
I usually don't read any of the muscle mags, but I saw an issue of Muscular Devolopement while waiting to get my tires rotated and I flipped thru it. Most of the ads and general hyper I just ignore or laught at, but there was some info in an article about Arachidonic acid (X-Factor).

Reportedly it is patented for increasing muscle mass, and supposed to help cut bodyfat at the same time. Since I haven't been keeping up with the trends or hype of current supplements, I knew I could come here and ask the trusted bros what they know about it. :pleased:

Does anyone know anything about it, or is it just more hype intended to separate my hard earned dollars from my wallet?

Thanks in advance for any info that you can share. Peace out.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see what one fills up first. I hear this thing they call gear does the same thing? Is it true? Damn, I wish there was a real FDA that would put down false claims, the world would be a better place but the gov'nt would miss out on all those tax dollars generated from the profit. Catch 22?
Back to the original question. TYes, X'factor its effective. I used while on pct and gained a few pounds and lost bodyfat, not as much as they said, but well, I was on pct... a friend of mine is using it and he says he is getting good results.. but again, he is also on his pct cyle nos.. is supposed to work very good by itself.. I was 194 pounds before my cycle and went up to 213, and have mainatined it for 3 months in a row, and X/factor helped..