Arguing an AAS addiction

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So it finally comes out that my girlfriend thinks I'm addicted to AAS and that I couldn't quit if I tried. This pissed me off beyond belief yesterday when she dropped this bomb on me. I've tried explaining to her that AAS although a controlled substance, isn't like an addiction that people have to meth, heroin, cocaine, prescription pills or other things. I tried convincing her that it's more of a mental thing where you just want to keep getting bigger or you love the recovery aspect of it, not that your body physically needs it to survive like you get with these other addictions.

Has anyone else ever gone through this? I can't be the only one who's had to defend their AAS usage. I'm still beside myself and would really like to punch her over that comment, but then I'd be yielding "roid rage."
That's rough Bro. I had a girl say something similar to me years ago. She was a free agent minutes later. Its hard to fight the media, but when you find the right person with the right mindset it all becomes easy. How much discussion on the topic have the two of you had?
Denial and excuses are common with addiction lol if its honestly not negatively affecting you or others dont worry its their shit. Maybe she feels guilty or jelious
Or she is trying to hit you where it hurts. If she wears make up when she goes out ask her if she is addicted to that.
She always puts it on to look better just like you use AAS to look better. It would be like being addicted to eating good.
Thinking about it, addictions arnt bad when it is a healthy benefit for you. Cant say that about heroin, meth ect......
Hell, I guess all of us on here are addicted to protien. We have to have it. lol Run that by her.
That's rough Bro. I had a girl say something similar to me years ago. She was a free agent minutes later. Its hard to fight the media, but when you find the right person with the right mindset it all becomes easy. How much discussion on the topic have the two of you had?

She's never had a problem with it before, but she has her own issues and that's the only thing she can throw in my face. I think it was more or less out of anger that she said it, but she has to think like that otherwise it would've never come out. I won't stop so I guess in the end it doesn't matter, but it is more to the point that it is for a reason, not just necause I feel like doing it or "need" to do it to function. I wanna look and feel good and not one single person has ever died from steroid use so it isn't life threatening. Now I know people have had heart attacks and used AAS heavily, but let's face it, 300+ pounds is obese no matter if it is fat or muscle so there's obviously going to be heart issues. If a 325# fat slob dies, no one cares, he died because he was obese, but ifa 325# bodybuilder dies the same way it is because he used steroids? Now I'm no genious, but where is the sense in even arguing that fact?
My ex-wife did. And a week later I was looking for a place to live. She said it was her or the AAS. And well I made the right choice my far. Now I have a wife that doesn't get upset when I run a cycle. Becuz she knows that I don't abuse it at all. Theirs always somebody that wants to take always something you love to do.

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Or she is trying to hit you where it hurts. If she wears make up when she goes out ask her if she is addicted to that.
She always puts it on to look better just like you use AAS to look better. It would be like being addicted to eating good.
Thinking about it, addictions arnt bad when it is a healthy benefit for you. Cant say that about heroin, meth ect......
Hell, I guess all of us on here are addicted to protien. We have to have it. lol Run that by her.

That's a great analogy, McG.

Big n wv, does she drink coffee or Coke often? If she does, ask her if she can stop drinking them. She would be far more addicted to them than you could ever be to AAS.
Or she is trying to hit you where it hurts. If she wears make up when she goes out ask her if she is addicted to that.
She always puts it on to look better just like you use AAS to look better. It would be like being addicted to eating good.
Thinking about it, addictions arnt bad when it is a healthy benefit for you. Cant say that about heroin, meth ect......
Hell, I guess all of us on here are addicted to protien. We have to have it. lol Run that by her.

That is the best comeback I have heard in quite a while. Women do so many things to "look good". I remember a statement my lady said about wearing heels cause I said that shit looks painful. She said didnt you know beauty is pain??

My lady is cool with almost every compound I have ran EXCEPT for Tren. And, I have to agree with her on the reason why. Tren really messes with me in almost every area. Insanely agressive, Cant sleep for shit, Roller Coaster emotions, and the worst of them all......Limp Noodle (No matter the amount of Test)
So, she and I have agreed on my cycling 100% and I have to say its pretty damn sweet. Find ya one like that fellas. They are out there...Somewhere....
My ex-wife did. And a week later I was looking for a place to live. She said it was her or the AAS. And well I made the right choice my far. Now I have a wife that doesn't get upset when I run a cycle. Becuz she knows that I don't abuse it at all. Theirs always somebody that wants to take always something you love to do.

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A woman who would say pick me or X isn't really concerned about the X - she has issues with herself. Now if my girlfriend started doing something that I couldn't be a part of I'd approach it that way, but it would have to be something other than an addiction. When someone has an addiction or something you perceive as a problem, how is abandoning them going to help them? If she really loved you and thought that AAS were killing you or ruining your life then she would have gotten closer to you than ever. When people make you choose, it's always about them not you or what you're doing! Good decision brother.
when they say, either that or me, it is definitly a power play. the best thing you can do is not even bite if she
goes there again. It isnt a argument if it is only one person arguing. Show no emotion and say something like,
sorry you feel that way but Im not going to justify it by even talking about it, next issue. lol Keep us posted bro.
A woman who would say pick me or X isn't really concerned about the X - she has issues with herself. Now if my girlfriend started doing something that I couldn't be a part of I'd approach it that way, but it would have to be something other than an addiction. When someone has an addiction or something you perceive as a problem, how is abandoning them going to help them? If she really loved you and thought that AAS were killing you or ruining your life then she would have gotten closer to you than ever. When people make you choose, it's always about them not you or what you're doing! Good decision brother.
You are a 100% right bro. It is always about them. And my ex was always about her self first. But honestly it was the hardest thing that I ever had to do. Was to leave my two beautiful little boys. But I'm in a better place now. And my boys see that life is good again for me. And they love my new wife. And that a that matters to me.

- - - Updated - - -

when they say, either that or me, it is definitly a power play. the best thing you can do is not even bite if she
goes there again. It isnt a argument if it is only one person arguing. Show no emotion and say something like,
sorry you feel that way but Im not going to justify it by even talking about it, next issue. lol Keep us posted bro.
Showing them no emotion really pisses a woman
She's never had a problem with it before, but she has her own issues and that's the only thing she can throw in my face. I think it was more or less out of anger that she said it, but she has to think like that otherwise it would've never come out. I won't stop so I guess in the end it doesn't matter, but it is more to the point that it is for a reason, not just necause I feel like doing it or "need" to do it to function. I wanna look and feel good and not one single person has ever died from steroid use so it isn't life threatening. Now I know people have had heart attacks and used AAS heavily, but let's face it, 300+ pounds is obese no matter if it is fat or muscle so there's obviously going to be heart issues. If a 325# fat slob dies, no one cares, he died because he was obese, but ifa 325# bodybuilder dies the same way it is because he used steroids? Now I'm no genious, but where is the sense in even arguing that fact?

Thats not even close to true brutha, Im 6'3 and sit at 315 -320 and fairly lean and vascular when on a cycle, so theirs not a doctor in the world that would call me or that obese, however stress on the heart, hell yeah im with ya there!! But to call someone my size all muscle obese is rediculous considering the meaning is not just heavy, its heavy by way of fat!

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adj.Extremely fat; Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health,

Sorry to be a dick about it, but if anyone ever called me obese id slap the shit out of them!

but to your point, yeah heart stress is crazy rediculous and my size and yes i have an enlarged heart which they found about 14 years ago , but they said its normal with anyone who exercises beit natural or not, just athletes and particular weight training athletes have enlarged hearts, and the heart doesnt shrink back down when were done training or competing n whatever sport, so yeah its a real issue for bigger guys
The actual definition of obese and what obese means in the medical community are slightly different. I'm not a doctor so I am simply going off what my doctor has told me, but they often simply consider someone obese based on their BMI (which most doctors don't buy into or even use anymore). But he explained that insurance companies use a % to determine whether someone is obese. For example, if the normal weight for someone your size is 250 and you're more than 20% heavier, they consider you to be obese. I think it's a bunch of bullshit because of the misinterpretation in the word, but we all know the medical field doesn't care who the fuck they piss off.

I didn't mean to upset or piss you off you fat ass lol j/k
The actual definition of obese and what obese means in the medical community are slightly different. I'm not a doctor so I am simply going off what my doctor has told me, but they often simply consider someone obese based on their BMI (which most doctors don't buy into or even use anymore). But he explained that insurance companies use a % to determine whether someone is obese. For example, if the normal weight for someone your size is 250 and you're more than 20% heavier, they consider you to be obese. I think it's a bunch of bullshit because of the misinterpretation in the word, but we all know the medical field doesn't care who the fuck they piss off.

I didn't mean to upset or piss you off you fat ass lol j/k

lol, yes i seen obese listed according to BMI but that BMI shit is whacked, and your right even drs will tell ya its bs, and of course Insurance companies love to use it, any reason to hike your premiums is good for them lol, anyhow im done crying about it, and you did hurt my wittle feelings lol
lol, yes i seen obese listed according to BMI but that BMI shit is whacked, and your right even drs will tell ya its bs, and of course Insurance companies love to use it, any reason to hike your premiums is good for them lol, anyhow im done crying about it, and you did hurt my wittle feelings lol

Haha, trust me I hate using the word obese to describe a bodybuilder because it's stupid comparing a 320# bodybuilder to a 320# fat ass, I was more or less just comparing that 320# is the same as far as weight goes. I think we all know that the bodybuilder is much healthier than the fat ass living a sedentary lifestyle, but my comparison is simply that it's the same amount of weight that the body/heart has to carry around.
I was taking a nutrition class at our community college few years back. I was bulking up. I was still pretty lean and
in good shape. According to the chart I was on the verge of being MORBIDLY obese.
Hey, we hijacked this post. lol What happened Big N WV???????

Hey, wouldnt a enlarged heart work better. Bigger muscle should work better???
I was taking a nutrition class at our community college few years back. I was bulking up. I was still pretty lean and in good shape. According to the chart I was on the verge of being MORBIDLY obese.
Hey, we hijacked this post. lol What happened Big N WV???????

Hey, wouldnt a enlarged heart work better. Bigger muscle should work better???

I'm still stabbing my ass if that says anything. I'm not quitting, she will just have to get over it