Arguing an AAS addiction

I was taking a nutrition class at our community college few years back. I was bulking up. I was still pretty lean and
in good shape. According to the chart I was on the verge of being MORBIDLY obese.
Hey, we hijacked this post. lol What happened Big N WV???????

Hey, wouldnt a enlarged heart work better. Bigger muscle should work better???

You would think so but no it doesn't pump blood as well
How does that work? Is it because it is trying to pump more blood than will fit through the vessels? Thus just causing it to overwork?

I don't know lol I know the doctor gave me some balloon explanation bulkshit but I don't know as its not til ur older that it starts giving u issues , it still pumps efficiently enlarged for many years but later in life he said it may start causing problems like congestive heart failure lol but I can't remember why exactly
Damn, sorry to hear your having problems, sounds like the discussion I had many many years back with an x saying AAS is the same as Cocaine, no bitch it ain't! It can be a mental addiction but hell, so can many other things. And people are fine with smoking cigs and booze, and popping pain pills to no end, but oh AAS to enhance your physic and your the devil. It's out of sheer ignorance. My wife knew as soon as we met, I made no excuses, just this is who I am, this is what I do, like it or leave it, either way. She stayed, even pins me when I need it.
As far as an enlarged heart... Left sided hypertrophy, the bigger the left side of the heart ( the side that pumps out oxygenated blood) gets the less effective it becomes as a pump, the myocardial (heart muscle) wall gets thick and causes a stiff squeeze, so the EF (ejection fracture) how much blood is pumped out with one stroke decreases, this leads to less circulation, less blood through the kidneys and that means less toxins are filtered along with fluids= CHF or congestive heart failure.
Damn, sorry to hear your having problems, sounds like the discussion I had many many years back with an x saying AAS is the same as Cocaine, no bitch it ain't! It can be a mental addiction but hell, so can many other things. And people are fine with smoking cigs and booze, and popping pain pills to no end, but oh AAS to enhance your physic and your the devil. It's out of sheer ignorance. My wife knew as soon as we met, I made no excuses, just this is who I am, this is what I do, like it or leave it, either way. She stayed, even pins me when I need it.
As far as an enlarged heart... Left sided hypertrophy, the bigger the left side of the heart ( the side that pumps out oxygenated blood) gets the less effective it becomes as a pump, the myocardial (heart muscle) wall gets thick and causes a stiff squeeze, so the EF (ejection fracture) how much blood is pumped out with one stroke decreases, this leads to less circulation, less blood through the kidneys and that means less toxins are filtered along with fluids= CHF or congestive heart failure.

yeah good description bro and yes your extremities start getting numb easier and faster. As for the juice being like cocain, anyone who thinks that is a fucking moron, ive always been honest with everyone, and at the risk of sounding cheesy its pretty obvious.
yeah good description bro and yes your extremities start getting numb easier and faster. As for the juice being like cocain, anyone who thinks that is a fucking moron, ive always been honest with everyone, and at the risk of sounding cheesy its pretty obvious.
Yes, when your the size of a 6'3" 320lb silverback gorilla I guess it's hard to hide....right Presser, damn beast.
yeah good description bro and yes your extremities start getting numb easier and faster. As for the juice being like cocain, anyone who thinks that is a fucking moron, ive always been honest with everyone, and at the risk of sounding cheesy its pretty obvious.

I thought you were natural, could have fooled me
Haha, you take advice from the 130# GNC employee too huh?

Are GNC's even around anymore? I use to see them all over, but I havent seen one in ages!

I think that Business model is over!! Having a store front with all the overhead that goes into it just doesn't make sense with all the internet Supplement Companies and Stores.

Its definitely and DYING Business Model if it isn't already Obsolete!

And yeah we use to have a big GNC and one of the Major Malls out here and Me and My wife would fuck with the GNC sales people and walk in there and ask them questions about shit and they knew we were fucking with them but they wanted to prove how much they knew and refused to EVER , I MEAN NEVER EVER would they say I dont know, those mother fuckers would tell you anything about a product rather then say " I dont know" lol I guess you had to be there but we thought it was funny lol
Are GNC's even around anymore? I use to see them all over, but I havent seen one in ages!

I think that Business model is over!! Having a store front with all the overhead that goes into it just doesn't make sense with all the internet Supplement Companies and Stores.

Its definitely and DYING Business Model if it isn't already Obsolete!

And yeah we use to have a big GNC and one of the Major Malls out here and Me and My wife would fuck with the GNC sales people and walk in there and ask them questions about shit and they knew we were fucking with them but they wanted to prove how much they knew and refused to EVER , I MEAN NEVER EVER would they say I dont know, those mother fuckers would tell you anything about a product rather then say " I dont know" lol I guess you had to be there but we thought it was funny lol

They're still around here, in fact there's even a new store called The Nutrition Pit that has only a handful of stores that just opened around here. I guess they're in the market to carry things GNC doesn't and at a lower cost, but it is still cheaper online. I guess you'll always have the weirdos that won't buy online or can't wait 2-3 days for shipping
Well I guess bad luck is going around, my lifting partner just told me his girl found his gear, smashed 5, 10ml bottles of test prop, 4 bottles Tren A 10ml each, 100dbol tabs and 2 10ml bottles of test E, all gone!!! I suprised he didn't kill that bitch, not good, she dumped the broken glass and oil out on the front door step when he showed up. Fucking women,
Well I guess bad luck is going around, my lifting partner just told me his girl found his gear, smashed 5, 10ml bottles of test prop, 4 bottles Tren A 10ml each, 100dbol tabs and 2 10ml bottles of test E, all gone!!! I suprised he didn't kill that bitch, not good, she dumped the broken glass and oil out on the front door step when he showed up. Fucking women,

Holy Fucking Shit!!! I would have Exemplified The Term "ROID RAGE" on that stupid bitch!!!! Damn it man!!!!
Well I guess bad luck is going around, my lifting partner just told me his girl found his gear, smashed 5, 10ml bottles of test prop, 4 bottles Tren A 10ml each, 100dbol tabs and 2 10ml bottles of test E, all gone!!! I suprised he didn't kill that bitch, not good, she dumped the broken glass and oil out on the front door step when he showed up. Fucking women,

I'd like to say my gf knows better. But who really knows. But this is a good reason to always be honest with them despite whether they agree or not.
I'd like to say my gf knows better. But who really knows. But this is a good reason to always be honest with them despite whether they agree or not.

EXACTLY!!! WHO REALLY KNOWS WHAT A WOMEN WILL DO, THEY ARE ALL FUCKING NUTS! Anyone who bleeds out for 7 straight days every single month aint human! lol Theyre Aliens! lol