Arimistane: A powerful OTC Aromatase Inhibitor

I just realized I had a bottle of aqua Dex left over, I have never had gyno problems but my nips have gotten a bit tender with a pee size knot on the left one, just above the nipple. I've usually used the Aqua Dex for water retention and has worked great! I didn't want to get into my novadex yet, so I decided to try the aqua Dex out. Next day tenderness was gone and the knot has gotten smaller. After four days use, still working great. Still have a tiny knot, but it's not a problem I hope). MC's Aqua Dex is the real deal, Thanks for the great product!

thanks bro! Aqua-dex is a kick ass product! if your lump is small enough and not solidified totally the nolvadex might help shrink it further, it helped me this way a long time ago!
I agree that AquaDex is a great product, Mountain Man turned me onto it.

As an aside, are any of the products a version of 'stane?
I keep nolvadex on hand! Ok I have all of them on hand lol letrozole femara, arimidex, arimistane, clomid and dostinex
Always better to be proactive!

indeed it is, and in all honestly i think most guys who have gyno issues, have it due to not having anti-progesterone drugs on hand like dostinex aka cabaser / caborgoline

I dont think guys understand prolactin nearly as much as they do estrogen nor which steroids aromatize into which. But we have come a long long way i will admit! as before these type of boards back in the 1990, no one knew shit about Post Cycle Therapy period! They would just go on steroid cycle then off and hope they were one of the lucky ones to not experience any gyno / bitch tit issues or problems lmao
shit lol, i forgot about that lol, you couldnt use your telephone unless you were off the computer lmao, AOL LMAO
shit lol, i forgot about that lol, you couldnt use your telephone unless you were off the computer lmao, AOL LMAO
Forget watching videos lol


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ok , i hijacked this thread enough! lol

back to andro 3,5 blah blah blah 7- OXO - DHEA or Arimistane Post Cycle PCT dosage, schedule and overall Protocol and FAQ for this Aromatase Inhibitor to combat estrogen side effects from steroids

Very good AI information
Alot of places aren't carrying it as much. Most products I see that have it as an ingredient , also have alot of other ingredients and they want too much for it. I wish I could get it as a liquid like Nolva, letro, arom, and adex. I am afraid to crash my estrogen, because of this I feel much more comfortable with arimistane at 75 mg per day and adding a small amount of letro or Adex. My cholesterol is always good this way as well. I do notice that with 19nors, the pathway for aromatase really opens up. I never tried cabaser or bromo. Anyway as far as arimistane I have good results and I am not afraid to use it, aromatasing or not. I feel great with it a get hardening, effects less water, start peeing all night more than normal with a hard everytime. My cortisol definitely gets lower with it. My whole impatient self gets calmer. I even have found it lowers inflammation at injuries. I am taking some right now 75mg at night with .25 mg of letro a day. I started it as I was afraid to up my letro. Sometimes if I get good effects this way when I drop the arimistane I then up my letro.
Alot of places aren't carrying it as much. Most products I see that have it as an ingredient , also have alot of other ingredients and they want too much for it. I wish I could get it as a liquid like Nolva, letro, arom, and adex. I am afraid to crash my estrogen, because of this I feel much more comfortable with arimistane at 75 mg per day and adding a small amount of letro or Adex. My cholesterol is always good this way as well. I do notice that with 19nors, the pathway for aromatase really opens up. I never tried cabaser or bromo. Anyway as far as arimistane I have good results and I am not afraid to use it, aromatasing or not. I feel great with it a get hardening, effects less water, start peeing all night more than normal with a hard everytime. My cortisol definitely gets lower with it. My whole impatient self gets calmer. I even have found it lowers inflammation at injuries. I am taking some right now 75mg at night with .25 mg of letro a day. I started it as I was afraid to up my letro. Sometimes if I get good effects this way when I drop the arimistane I then up my letro.

i figured this is why i cant find it in the store at muscle chem . any suggestions who has it available
i figured this is why i cant find it in the store at muscle chem . any suggestions who has it available
There are some supplements that have it but getting scarce.
Alot of raw places have it but I an not allowed to say or gonna cause rules!!

But to risk the whole across the pond thing for some arimestane.....

If a research place had it then it would be great addition for those who knows what it does the positives.

But all in all MC Store has made me comfortable with my projects with a little nolva and adex
Since my post I have used MC anti-p and my projects were great
Wish I had more....

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