ARMS only workout


New member
I did an ARMS only Monday to change things up a bit. What a difference it made for me. Here it is Wednesday and the soreness has really set in. I may keep it this way for a while. Not combining arms with chest or back allowed me to train them at a whole new level.
supersport said:
I hear ya man...I train arms separately it!!!

Add in chest on those days, and you have what I call a "Beach Day," the most common split at many gyms. Its a one day split, same muscles and same weights at each workout.

I love working arms together, you get the best pumps. Unfortunately, I only get 3 days a week for the gym so I'm going for the Beach Day workout like Randy mentioned. :D
I use to do the "Beach Day" training method like Randy mentioned when I didn't have alot of I hit bi's and tri's together since I have an extra day and what a difference!:eek:
I definitely prefer working arms on a separate training day when my scheduling split allows it. Always so much more focus and better pump that way.
back and tris
shoulders traps calves
chest and bis
arms w/foreamrms (OUCH!)

7 day split.
i hit them light on back and chest days early in the wk and i'll pound arms later in the wk super setting between bi's and tri's
Just changed my split around again to get arms back to their own it was meant to be!
got back to it this past Thursday and what a pump! Been awhile since I trained arms alone, I felt huge! lol