Arnold and Gear?


New member
Anyone now what Gear Arnold S. took? They didnt use GH back then did they? and Did they use Anti E's back then? did they use Insulin or Clen?

Was watching Ed Corney and Arnold Doing some squats on Pumping Iron and Damn Im Still pumped Up..

I think that the BB of the 70's Looked Fuckin Awsome!

arnold not only took it all, he took more then every body else....why else do u think he got that big and won mr olympia that many times... :cool:
heard he was responsible for naming Dbol - 'the breakfast of champions'.
I"m sure he did harder stuff too
Regardless of what he took..he never looked bloated. He always looked pretty lean. I have yet to find a picture of him when he is all d-bol'ed out. I just watched that movie "Collateral Damage" that fukker is STILL huge! Not like he was...but he is still pretty damn big!
mr456 said:
Regardless of what he took..he never looked bloated. He always looked pretty lean. I have yet to find a picture of him when he is all d-bol'ed out. I just watched that movie "Collateral Damage" that fukker is STILL huge! Not like he was...but he is still pretty damn big!

good point, he never really looks like hes holding very much water.
I remeber when a couple of years ago Weider stated in MF that he is not aware of any steroid use in Bodybuiding...


Who the hell is he kiddin!
buffgrandpa said:
Oh you guys are just playing again. Arnold is "all natural" just like Ronnie Coleman and all the top pro's today... :-)

arnie was natural till he got into his mid teens.
well aaanald did everything as far as I'm concerned but...

What about that fatass joe weider? he looks like boss hogg, what a wreak!!??!?

oh well yes arny took all the mastron, now there is none. He's real cool if you ask me though so he can do what he wants.
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