Arnold Classic Celebrates 25th Anniversary


MuscleChemistry member
[h=2]Arnold Classic Celebrates 25th Anniversary[/h]The Arnold Classic, one of the most prestigious titles in professional bodybuilding, will celebrate its 25th Anniversary when the IFBB Pro League competition is held March 2, 2013 at Veterans Memorial in Columbus, Ohio.

Dexter Jackson
will gun for his record-tying fourth Arnold Classic title when he leads a field of 13 men’s professional bodybuilders the 25th Anniversary Arnold Classic at the 2013 Arnold Sports Festival.
Jackson, who will compete in Columbus for the 14th time, won the Arnold Classic in 2005, 2006 and 2008. A win in March would tie Jackson with the popular Flex Wheeler, the Arnold Classic champ in 1993, 1997, 1998 and 2000. Cedric McMillan, making his Arnold Classic debut; Ben Pakulski, fourth in 2012; and Toney Freeman, fifth in the 2012 Arnold Classic Europe, are expected to challenge.
In 2012, Branch Warren of Texas won his second straight Arnold Classic title after returning to the competitive stage for the first time since suffering a quadriceps injury shortly before the 2011 Olympia. Warren earned $130,000 for the victory an an additional $10,000 for the Most Entertaining Poser Award. The popular Texan also took home the Most Muscular Trophy as well.
Dennis Wolf of Germany took second in 2012, followed by Evan Centopani of Connecticut, Ben Pakulski of Canada, Dexter Jackson of Florida and Lionel Beyeke of France. Also competing in the 2012 Arnold Classic were Fouad Abiad, Gustavo Badell, Matthias Botthof, Eduardo Correa, Brandon Curry, Michael Kefalianos, Shawn Rhoden and Ben White.
Warren became the sixth multiple winner of the Arnold Classic. Flex Wheeler won the event four times (1993, 1997, 1998, 2000), while Jay Cutler (2002-04) and Jackson (2005, 2006, 2008) each won three titles. Warren joins Kevin Levrone (1994, 1996) and Kai Greene (2009-10) as two-time champions.
The 2013 Arnold Classic will be held March 2 at Veterans Memorial in Columbus, Ohio. Prejudging for the Arnold Classic and Bikini International will be held at 2 p.m. and finals for the Arnold Classic, Bikini International and Arnold Strongman Classic will be held at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 for prejudging and $50 & $100 for the finals. Visit for ticket information.
[h=3]2013 Arnold Classic Competitors[/h]Fouad Abiad
Darrem Charles
Toney Freeman
Marcus Haley
Dexter Jackson
Johnnie Jackson
Michael Kefalianos
Cedric McMillan
Ben Pakulski
Edward Nunn
Ronny Rockel
Fred Smalls
Hidetada Yamagishi
[h=3]Arnold Classic Winners[/h]1989: Rich Gaspari
1990: Mike Ashley
1991: Shawn Ray
1992: Vince Taylor
1993: Flex Wheeler
1994: Kevin Levrone
1995: Michael Francois
1996: Kevin Levrone
1997: Flex Wheeler
1998: Flex Wheeler
1999: Nasser El Sonbaty
2000: Flex Wheeler
2001: Ronnie Coleman
2002: Jay Cutler
2003: Jay Cutler
2004: Jay Cutler
2005: Dexter Jackson
2006: Dexter Jackson
2007: Victor Martinez
2008: Dexter Jackson
2009: Kai Greene
2010: Kai Greene
2011: Branch Warren
2012: Branch Warren
My top 5:
5. Fouad/Hide
4. JoJ
3. Xman
2. Dexter
1. Cedric

Dark horses are going to be Hide and Kefalianos. I don't think they have ever had an off night and think they get hosed a lot. Especially Kefalianos, guy is king of conditioning.

I personally don't think Pacman will break top 5. I don't like his physique at all, great lower body but his upper body is just "off" to me. Maybe because his legs are so damn over powering. He will definitely have the best wheels there.
Ben, if he blew that back up and had those retarted delts he had 2 years ago , would be a top five guy

I wanna see him rise up