Asking for spots with strangers......


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So I am at the gym yesterday and some Indian skinny kid asks me for a spot, and before I even say yes he is turning to grab the weight off the squat rack, so I decided to be nice instead of a prick and said
wait, what are you even trying to do? how many reps? etc
seeing as I have been doing fst-7 I can not, and will not deviate from my workout esp this one, as time is a huge factor.
So he starts squating and I said you know the rack on the sides are your spot here right?
he replies well I wanna go really low so I asked
are you coming out of the rack?
he says no.............
Waste of my time.......

Can anyone here really see themselves go up to someone they don't know, in there own little world, as I was doing my routine, and asking for help and not even wait for a response before they start????????
Maybe I am just getting grumpy but it pissed me off.
I hate asking for spots, and I'll usually only ask people I know. I don't ever ask anyone I don't know. I wouldn't be asking for a spot in the squat cage or rack though.
and he smelled like the typical eat curry every day type, which is disgusting at the gym, sorry to offend anyone at all for that, but seriously wtf
I don't know anyone at my gym but I know who is really there to train and who is just there to walk around aimlessly. I asked one of them once for db presses and we haven't spoken since.........I feel so used.
Same here, some gyms just have a weird atmosphere where its just full of dumbasses. I use to try to help people more, but now it's just a waste of time, I still get lots of questions, what do you do for your back? What protein you take? How many times a day do you eat? I don't mind, but now I'm short and to the point... No extras, and I always have my headphones on and blind.
I really need to find my mp3 player again but seriously with this routine, I don't have time to play, I go in, I do what I am supposed to and at the end I usually bs a little but I don't like to fuck around as I work out.
It's funny bc ppl will ask me how I lift heavy and have a conversation at the same time, IDK but I do it.
Not on the heaviest weights but if I am doing 110lb DB's on incline I can talk the entire time lol
I'd rather do that than huge gaps of time between sets though
i would never dream of asking any one for a spot i dont know or seen piss me of when they spot u and just do it for u or even worse dont spot u when u need it...
about 6 years ago i asked some one for a spot on dumbbell press i was about to drop the weight when he try's to grab 55kg dumbbell instead of letting it fall on the ground..end result he could not hold the weight and it hit my shoulder and fucked it i say how many im gona do how to spot me and if im gona drop the weight..i dont mind spotting guys if i know them if i dont they would not ask any ways..ive got my head phones on banging out music and im dripping with sweat..most usually stay not one to talk the breeze..
the way we workout here is u dont know anyone, you do a weight you can on your own
I don't there is anything wrong with a spot. I honestly wish i had a training partner, I would be able to get a much better workout. I do a lot of negatives, drop sets, sets to failure and tension sets that I would love a partner to help me squeeze and hold better. I'd trust any of you goofballs.
I don't there is anything wrong with a spot. I honestly wish i had a training partner, I would be able to get a much better workout. I do a lot of negatives, drop sets, sets to failure and tension sets that I would love a partner to help me squeeze and hold better. I'd trust any of you goofballs.
awww he really likes us lol i thought of you today when i was doing those negatives 60lb dumbbells

i would really like a training partner when bulking but my damn schedule is so crazy. i just cant commit to being at the gym a certain day let alone a specific time
I haven't been asked to spot anyone for years. And I don't ask anyone to spot me. At my age, I am not going for max anymore. My workouts are fast and focused. I guess people can see that I am in a "zone", so they don't interrupt my workouts.
Buffalo Im just sayin you should wait until u know someone there when you want to do shit like that. Perfect example my buddy was at the gym 2 days ago and says to me, well since your here I'll do 315 on incline but if you weren't I wasn't gonna go this heavy.
Buffalo Im just sayin you should wait until u know someone there when you want to do shit like that. Perfect example my buddy was at the gym 2 days ago and says to me, well since your here I'll do 315 on incline but if you weren't I wasn't gonna go this heavy.

Which is why I don't trust a soul in my gym lol
If i see some one alone ,say benching with alot of weight,I'll pay attention and when he starts, I'll walk over , get into position and say I'm here if u need me, more times than not he'll push thru a few more reps than he would have, and always get a good lookin out....but ad far as me asking for a spot,NO, i won't do it.
If i see some one alone ,say benching with alot of weight,I'll pay attention and when he starts, I'll walk over , get into position and say I'm here if u need me, more times than not he'll push thru a few more reps than he would have, and always get a good lookin out....but ad far as me asking for a spot,NO, i won't do it.

I dont know bro, I had you pegged for this:...... "You and YOU(pointing angrily at two random people you dont know) Grab an end of the bar each now, and dont fuck my shit up!!!"

Thats not you bro? lol
If i see some one alone ,say benching with alot of weight,I'll pay attention and when he starts, I'll walk over , get into position and say I'm here if u need me, more times than not he'll push thru a few more reps than he would have, and always get a good lookin out....but ad far as me asking for a spot,NO, i won't do it.

Thank you, this is what I do a lot of the time, unless I am really in my bubble