Axios new products...

realy? It seems to me all the newer batches people are using are working great, pretty sure the old problems of the past are just that...the past.

Exactly... the old batches where produced by a person that should have not been the production manager! Thats why the quality took a nose dive. Now saying that... any patch that have been produced by the new lab all have lab analysis to back them up... you can check them out at the new axio site!

Plus Axio is willing to stand by there products... against anyone in the market. and will be issuing a challenge very soon....
Hector bro...your a little out of line brutha, or your missing something here, cause locals post was a good valid post bro , maybe u should lay off the gear a while bro,lol, cause their was no need to flame the guy whether u know him or not and whther u said it wasnt intended as a flame it was one, the point i want to stress is when new guys come on here and see a good question like that posted and some guy flame him for it, it makes the new guys not want to post and ask questions for fear of getting flamed like that, i like you bro and ur a good member but that post wasnt called for brutha

Ya very true seen many new guys over the past 4 years on sites just not log-on from the flaming.
Has Anyone here tried out the sustaplex 325 or testaplex C? Im going to start my first cycle after the holidays. Wanted to hear from experienced users instead of hearsay from buddies.
Why thank you Hector, I've been lurking about for a while gathering info. I didn't want to have to ask too many questions that might have already been answered. How are your holidays going btw, break the bank yet?
with family so all is well. holidays are going well hope so with everyone, and hell yes i am broke as a joke now i will catch back up in about 6 months or
I really liked the sustaplex and considering I rarely stray from my organons ( I feel safer with the old tried and true) I really like the results and so did my best friend. The deca blend was also good. They were clean non-inflamed inj. sites and fairly low on the pain scale.

However I always find my way back to organon sust, norma deca, and those good ole white european dbols. It's like comfort food for me because when I started there were no "LABS" just real certified pharmacies.

The multi dose vial and low prices from labs that come and go dont do any justice to labs like AXIO who are trying to improve and have stood the test of time so far along with there word on following GMP procedure at least thats what I was told the last time I spoke with a rep.

AXIO has reworked the OP and time will tell with honest objective feedback. I cant wait to hear feedback on the newest production.