Back to the foundry


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I went back to the steel foundry last friday. Dnt get me wrong, I love doing construction, but theres just not enough benefits envolved in construction around here. I was making decent money, but I can make in 1 day at the foundry what would have taken me 2 days to do working construction. Not to mention INSURANCE. They foundry has great insurance and benefits so I had to make the right decision. The only thing that sux is having to be at work at 4am!!!!! No rest for the wicked....
In times like these you gotta do whatever it takes, be happy you have a choice between a decent paying job and and great paying job! Glad it worked out better for you $$ wise.
I did the same thing with my current job, I hated going back, but the benefits and stability outweighed everything else
I love my job and the benefits and pay are OK. I just hate the asshats I work for
I work turn arounds so I'll work 90 hours a week for 2 months then not work for a month. It's rough but nothing else pays like that around here. Congrats on the job foundrys are some hot mofos. I did a job in one and when they opened those doors omg.