Back to the wagon...

My strength and endurance are slowly coming back and the lifting belt seems to be helping nicely with the squats.

This update is regarding the igf-1, which I started back on last week. I have to admit last week I was feeling a little disappointed with my performance and didn't think the igf was giving me the same boost in the gym that I remembered. Even earlier this week I wasn't experiencing the same pump and vascularity I expected.

What I must have forgotten was that it takes a little while to really kick in and last night it finally did. I pinned MC igf-1 lr3 in my upper pecs (60 mcgs split) and ate two packets of thinkthin berry crumble oatmeal and a banana and I didn't want to leave the incline bench because it seemed my chest got more swollen with each set and looked unusually round and thick from a distance with some decent separation up top. Up close, I could finally see veins in my upper pecs again and the veins in my right front delt were much more pronounced (my delts were also very pumped overall which seems to happen when I pin pecs). I've been on a pretty low carb diet since my surgery so I know things will continue to get more interesting as I add carbs back in. I also pin eod, so maybe it would have kicked in a lot faster if I pinned ed. I would really love to pin my lats to see how that works but I've never even tried. Anyone here pin their lats and if so, what size pin do you use?
I pin igf with 50 unit slin pin 5/16" in lats and everywhere else.

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Yesterday was leg day. I started with squats but wasn't feeling it, so I loaded up the leg press and went to work. After that, I was feeling much better and moved on to leg curls, extensions, lunges and calf raises and ended up having a pretty decent workout.



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U definitely pulling the wagon now brother!
Good job, that woman must be pissed too, cause she didn't keep u down!
Looking good brother!

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So I started my bulk cycle almost 2 weeks ago but have been slowly adding carbs since I wasn't as lean as I wanted to be when I got started and don't want to become too bloated by the end. I've gained a little weight and possibly lost a little fat in the process but being that this is a bulk cycle, I want to gain as much as possible without losing all definition in my mid-section.

Currently, my daily intake is about 301 p/325 c/58 f (3262 calories), sometimes with fewer carbs on non-lifting days. I was hoping to increase my carbs and fats next week and focus purely on bulking but I'm not confident I'm lean enough to do so without ballooning. I think I'm around 12-13% bf right now(?), so if anyone has any suggestions either way, I'd love to get some input!



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So I started my bulk cycle almost 2 weeks ago but have been slowly adding carbs since I wasn't as lean as I wanted to be when I got started and don't want to become too bloated by the end. I've gained a little weight and possibly lost a little fat in the process but being that this is a bulk cycle, I want to gain as much as possible without losing all definition in my mid-section.

Currently, my daily intake is about 301 p/325 c/58 f (3262 calories), sometimes with fewer carbs on non-lifting days. I was hoping to increase my carbs and fats next week and focus purely on bulking but I'm not confident I'm lean enough to do so without ballooning. I think I'm around 12-13% bf right now(?), so if anyone has any suggestions either way, I'd love to get some input!

I am trying to lose midsection right now and get back definition.
With myself I just start bulking cycle and add more protein and carbs more clean food and I don't lose definition when I already have it.
Just add slow increase protein clean meals and control estro.
When I am already lean and bulk I do good if estro is controlled.
My last bulk last summer I gained some fat and just figured out my letro went bad and that was problem.
I couldn't figure out what was going on in hadn't changed nothing for the fat gain to happen.
Estro out of control got me and it was about 10 months that way.

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Sorry if I missed your post. But if I bulk on deca and test it gotta be careful
If I do on eq not as careful but I can't use eq with my high red blood anymore
When I wanna stay lean and got it down if I add gear and just increase food clean with protein and not much carbs if any things happen.
Thing is I normally do ever gain fat, but that's me! As I said I did with that last deal and was baffled until I figured out about my ai.
See I blast cruise or trt but mostly stay on blast or high cruise, so that's how I really got into trouble with bad ai

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I'm using only test and lgd for this bulk, along with MC igf of course. I'm actually using igf for the same reasons as you since I re-tweaked my shoulder. Do you get good bulking results with low carbs? I was on a low carb diet for a few years and got very shredded and vascular but I couldn't really put on any size or strength until I discovered the power of carbs. As for an ai, I'm taking 0.25 mg of adex eod.
I'm using only test and lgd for this bulk, along with MC igf of course. I'm actually using igf for the same reasons as you since I re-tweaked my shoulder. Do you get good bulking results with low carbs? I was on a low carb diet for a few years and got very shredded and vascular but I couldn't really put on any size or strength until I discovered the power of carbs. As for an ai, I'm taking 0.25 mg of adex eod.
Carbs make me fuller muscles fuller.
Just increase slowly if results are not coming. Something that I am not faithful with and should be is L-Leucine the caps between meals.
Protein synthesis gear or not slows down with age 35-40 it goes down alot.
L-Leucine will give more help between meals. I need time start it.
As I said I am leaning but alot of times when low bf I can put on 8 lbs on clean bulk without changing much but I don't hold it after blast. When I stay lean I don't hold it. But if I get more bf I hold more muscle then can lean bigger
Because of this I stopped trying to stay lean on bulk. Instead I went back to straight bulk then cut.
Having trouble but heat just started making me sweat alot more do fingers crossed

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I myself sweat so much at certain times of year I usually can keep calories around 3600-4200.
If u wanna gain imo I will have to put them to 3600+ do this but keep carbs as close to same as possible

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I again agree with MM. You look safe to add more clean protein. I would start with adding 30 or so grams of protein per day and reevaluating by mirror in a week.
I again agree with MM. You look safe to add more clean protein. I would start with adding 30 or so grams of protein per day and reevaluating by mirror in a week.
It's always easier when I am lean and just add slow. It's getting lean that is tougher. Lol! I am trying though and with all my kids it's hard to eat right alot.

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So I have been heeding the above advice and have bumped my protein intake to 330g per day. I just wish I had a better appetite. I got in 3520 calories yesterday and today lost a pound on the scale. The redeeming factor is I've been leaning out and look/feel like I'm gaining muscle so at least I'm getting a nice recomp, but I'm going to try to force feed myself a little more at night. I'm also wondering if I'm spending too much time in the gym and burning too many calories and not leaving myself enough time to eat them back at night.



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So I have been heeding the above advice and have bumped my protein intake to 330g per day. I just wish I had a better appetite. I got in 3520 calories yesterday and today lost a pound on the scale. The redeeming factor is I've been leaning out and look/feel like I'm gaining muscle so at least I'm getting a nice recomp, but I'm going to try to force feed myself a little more at night. I'm also wondering if I'm spending too much time in the gym and burning too many calories and not leaving myself enough time to eat them back at night.

I am having same issue. I can eat the carbs easy but struggle to eat enough meat or often enough. Lol!
I am only getting 250-280 at most protein a day. I am at 193 but it's hard to get more.
I will have to get powder I have been only using it once a day will get bigger one and up it to more.
My weight is going between 188-193 between there but I seem to be leaning out for sure.
If u doing the gear lgd and igf I wouldn't worry about it u not losing muscle no way! I am working out 45-60 minutes 5 days a week. I feel like I need longer like 90 because with my injury I can't fatigue muscles going lighter. Good luck.
If u feel like u restricting yourself carbs too much eat more at least a few days a week. As long as it's clean u won't gain fat!

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Yeah, I'm thinking I should up the carbs a bit more so I can start actually gaining some weight. I'm actually having trouble sneaking in some extra carbs, partly because when I get home I'm completely spent and don't even feel like eating but that's when I have my daily protein shake (double scoops of gold standard) and a smallish dinner consisting mostly of fish. I know psychologically I have issues with eating a lot because I've got a bit of the fat kid syndrome, but I've pushed through that in the past and feel like this time it's more of a lack of apetite. I've only been training 3-4 times per week but my sessions are usually 2-2.5 hours.

You still having that shoulder pain?
Yeah, I'm thinking I should up the carbs a bit more so I can start actually gaining some weight. I'm actually having trouble sneaking in some extra carbs, partly because when I get home I'm completely spent and don't even feel like eating but that's when I have my daily protein shake (double scoops of gold standard) and a smallish dinner consisting mostly of fish. I know psychologically I have issues with eating a lot because I've got a bit of the fat kid syndrome, but I've pushed through that in the past and feel like this time it's more of a lack of apetite. I've only been training 3-4 times per week but my sessions are usually 2-2.5 hours.

You still having that shoulder pain?
If u asked me my calorie intake I have no idea. I just trying to not eat junk and doing what I always did except I know I need more protein.

I look smaller if you look at my log photos but my weight is the same. I did lose some fat and masteron is keeping the gains dry partially the reason I think I am having issues with joints.

Shoulder yes feeling better but not loading it. When I reach forward right now at certain positions It gets intense pain, when I move it back there is an obvious click pop! Then not hurting.
I have popped it several times by putting hand of that shoulder behind my head and pulling it with other arm. Each time it got better and there was a pop!!!
Don't know think I got dry strained it or tendons inflammation started and joint swole and impinged in front and rear. Since last pop I can flex that bicep but not really tight. Arms are tomorrow I will see if weight hanging on joint bothers it.
Sorry for the long post. Lol

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No worries at all brother I hope that shoulder pain clears asap. I've been dealing with shoulder pain that hits me deep in the front of my left shoulder when doing dumbbell flyes or even pec deck. The shoulder is definitely the weakest link in this chain.

It's kinda funny how hard we work to lose fat then when we do we feel like we're shrinking but if your weight is staying the same you must be getting a solid recomp yourself. Tonight is upper body again and I'm always looking forward to that but I've gotta ease into all pressing movements so I don't cause my shoulder any grief.
No worries at all brother I hope that shoulder pain clears asap. I've been dealing with shoulder pain that hits me deep in the front of my left shoulder when doing dumbbell flyes or even pec deck. The shoulder is definitely the weakest link in this chain.

It's kinda funny how hard we work to lose fat then when we do we feel like we're shrinking but if your weight is staying the same you must be getting a solid recomp yourself. Tonight is upper body again and I'm always looking forward to that but I've gotta ease into all pressing movements so I don't cause my shoulder any grief.
I have the same. I got those stretch band things. They help me warm up.
Flys right now or a no no!!!
I am only using loaded press seated flat position them incline position. With light flys.
Shoulders don't hurt too much pressing but upright rows do. Raises got better. Curls hurt that shoulder.
It's healing though for sure!
Have a good workout!!!

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