Badgermoon pics

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Very solid bro the red iron has treated you well. Damn I forgot to post leg pics now I'm not sure if I should they might make fun of my argile(sp) socks LOL. you are kicking pretty much everyone's 51 year old ass.
You guys crack me up. Actually, my parents live in the Chicago area, so you may have seen me going through peoples mail, and just thought I was the mailman.
Stats are 6'3" 245 I don't know bf%, must be close to 20, but I plan to lose some after I'm done with the bulker. I'm doing cardio but not more than once a week. (other than just warm-ups).
I was lifting since about '97 but didn't stay with it all the time. When I moved to New Mexico for a couple years I began to be more regular. Due to the stress of going through a divorce, I went down to 215 last spring. In the last year I have put a good deal of time in, and made most of my gains since then. I was stuck at 220 or so, and didn't see much hope of gaining much because of my age. After a certain point the body just doesn't respond well without hormone supplimentation.
I'd like to thank everyone for all the encouragement I've gotten. I really didn't think much of my progress before, but I think I'm going to do ok.

Argyle socks?.... I thought I was hopeless. :D
at your age, your test levels definitely need some help.... but i'm sure u could kik all 51 y/olds ass dat u see...

just hit the legs... and hit em hard... and we won't make fun of them ne-more...