
Bass, your more of a man than me. I was involved in a very similar business with a so called partner who eventually ended up screwing me out of a ton of money (like hundreds of hours of work that I didn't recieve a dime for, my supplier connections, customer base, I think you know where I'm coming from) If you are seriously ok with it thats great. I spent a year of my life working every day to put that bastard out of business, ruin his family, whatever I could to cause him pain, it almost destroyed me. I'm glad your taking this like a man

Don't really know what happened, but I do know that most every post here has a reply from bass on it. Just lets me know that he cares enough to share his learnings with everyone no matter how much time it takes. Thanks bass, your answers to questions - even if I didn't ask them - have helped me out immensely...... know in this type of arena (anabolic boards) cut your loses and move on before really bad things happen (ie...accusations and so on) You have showed great composure in this situation. Totally impressed.
I went to A-P and read about that shit. All I can say is, Bass there are plenty of places where you will get the appreciation and respect that you deserve.

We would be more than happy to see you at MC and FG more often. We will keep you busy. :D