BB curl vs EZ bar curl


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Whats your preference?
I usually use the straight BB unless doing preachers.
Typically it is BB curls, however, it depends on how bad my elbow hurts then I will use the EZ curl bar (still loaded heavy). Also, like DB, but my mainstay is BB.


Always bb curl never EZbar curl. This is because my inner bicep is somewhat lagging and i want to get my wrists stronger.
Question-Can you geuninely notice a difference between the ez curl and the straight bar?

Also, does you alternate the grip to hit a different part of the bicep harder? It is possible to do this?

Or do you just use shoulder width grip mostly?
The cambered bar does not allow for full supination of the wrist and places more emphasis on the brachialis. However, as people have mentioned, there may be some strain felt in the wrist during some exercises, ie preachers, so a cambered bar may feel more comfortable. I prefer DBs over straight bar over cambered.