Becareful Guys

  • Thread starter Thread starter badham
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I bought some gear from ***NO SOURCE POSTING PLEASE***and it came as a controll delivery. The worst news is that the police grabbed my son, thinking it was for him. I haven't come clean to the police that it was mine and my wife left me.
This company not only lost me $1200, it also cost me my son and marriage. :(
damn bro that´s a fucked situation, you got to get your son back...... and your wife!
good luck
I have some news for you. YOU are the one responsible for the loss of your family. You're not shopping at walmart - you are buying illegal drugs.

That being said, I am sorry for your situation.
I feel for you. People should hear something you said. That you bought from a company! The DEA and all those other agencies know about all the companies that ship meds. If you buy buy from a backed person that is domestic.

Get a good lawyer and then come clean about it. Is your first time? Your son signed for it right? I would have my lawyers do a polygraph test on your son that your son did not know what it was. He would past and that could be something that could help him get off or you get off. I almost went to jail for a few years for as. I got into a drug court program. One of my main reasons was that I pasted a poly that showed I had in intent to sell or manufactor as. I was able to prove personal use. They gave me a year in the program after which I will have no record. I finish this month! Been clean for about 15 mos. PM me if you need more help!


This is a real game will real penalties!
Dude you need to do what you is right and get your son free. You think you feel bad how do you think he feels? Your wife will cool down-That is if you had a good marriage to start with if not than she will use it as an excuse.

Be the big man-you don't need as to do it.
i would definitely come clean to get my kid off the hook. if its a first offense and you don't have much of a criminal background you shouldn't get into too much trouble, especially if you can prove it was for personal use. all i can say is good luck bro.
winnie said:

I dunno, this post just smells funny. 4 posts and then a gigantic AAS-caused tragedy for which we get a 4-sentence explanation trashing a source (before it was edited)? Maybe I'm wrong.
I'm with you 46and2aheadofme, sounded like bullshit from the start....what heartless dumbass would let the cops take his son away for some shit HE ordered??
I hope that this is a joke-I don't flame people but....WTF- if this is real come clean, hopefully your spouse and son will in someway find it in their heart to forgive you, your family SHOULD be more important than anything else-You did the crime(like us) Time to pay the piper my friend................