Been gone a while.....XXXX


New member
Whats up fellas? So life has been kicking my ass and I have been gone a while..some serious shit happened with my ex wife and I had to move and all kinds of shit..she filed for bankruptcy and they wouldnt reaffirm the debt with just me because i need to make 3 times the mortage and still be able to pay all my other bills thats 6K a I gave up my house and she lost hers too and had to find another place to live and move all my shit out in 3 weeks so they can sell the house...90K wasted down the fucking drain!!!. I missed time from work and used up all my PTO moving and lost my job to unexcused absences so I had to work at wal mart for a few weeks until I found another good job..I moved into this luxury apartment complex and then some fucker puts a brick through my Hummer window (probably from my ex) and that shit cost 400$ to fix..I mind my own business, workout everyday, work hard in life, be polite and treat poeple with respect and WTF?

Seriously...Im considering many changes including not being natural anymore and saying fuck dieting and eat a double cheesburger!

Im venting fellas but I had to get that out being gone so damn long and all.
It's good to have you back bro... Yeah when life kicks you in the balls it's been my experience that it rears back and slugs those things!! What you went through and the fact that you were humble enough to take a job at Walmart says alot about you. You're a solid guy and things will look up!! I've been on the bottom and the trip up is a rush!!
Good to have you back bro, I've been a firm believer that things get really bad before they get really good. It just sucks going through all the bad to get to the good, but it's also been my belief that you truly won't appreciate how good things are unless you've felt the worst
welcome back bro, i almost missed this post, very sorry to hear your troubles, but life has a way of evening things out, so looks for some upside to come your way

You dont want to start juicing now,lol, you will wind up killing someone if this shit persists,lol sorry just trying to add a little levity to the situations brutha!

welcome back!
Its been a while it would start mild so Im only running over squirrels and cats then duct taping them to the ex's house...maybe go harder later when im much Thanks for looking out for a brotha though.
I hope your doing better, things could always be worse right?

Its been a while it would start mild so Im only running over squirrels and cats then duct taping them to the ex's house...maybe go harder later when im much Thanks for looking out for a brotha though.
I hope your doing better, things could always be worse right?


lol, yeah see bro, you would have been a wild man out of control, lmao just kidding ofcourse....kind of,lol
It's not over yet, we have to go to court and I actually have to see her DAMN! I just want to move on and get my crap together and I havent been to the gym in two weeks working 2 jobs. I guess its not about what happens in life its about how you handle what happens that makes you stronger! Right??