Been waking up and staying up at 4:30 am every fucking day and it sucks!


Staff member
I dont know what my problem is but ive been waking up for the day at 4:30am every morning! And then I start getting tired again at around now 10am,lmao

My doctor prescribed me Tamazapam for sleep, anyone know what this is and if so how does it work?
It's a hypnotic. Makes you googoo lol

I think that stuff like what I use to take use to be an antidepressant but turned out to be a great sleep aid in low doses. Just takes the edge off when you are going to bed so you're mind won't be racing and you can get fast asleep.
Sounds like a benzo from the name...use sparingly and don't become dependent on it. My doc prescribed me Xanax and Klonopin for years and I feel like in the end my sleep issues worse.
Tamazapam is a hypnotic and benzo. Take it and IMMEDIATELY get in bed. I'm not sure what your dose is, but is its anything decent it will hit you hard when it hits. I learned the hard way. I could barely walk. I had double vision and kept knocking into stuff. It will knock you out though
well its a 30mg capsule and i was up til 3am last night and decided to take one and was up by 6:30am and have been up since, it didnt do shit for me other then give me weird dreams where i was trying to stand up in my dream last night and kept falling down, and everytime i fell in my dream i would startle and wake up for real, so here i am after just 3 hours sleep and im wide awake! took my eca stack when i got up and i feel EXHAUSTED RIGHT NOW!
Have you tried Ambien? I went to bed last night at 1pm and was up at 8am. Pretty pissed about it. Going to eat and pop an attivan and go back to bed. Since I started my gear again, I am constantly hungry. After a few hours I'm so irritated and hungry that I have to get up
I've never had a problem sleeping. I couldn't imagine not being able to sleep. I fall asleep in a few moments of lying down and I am in a deep sleep in absolutely no time at all. It's gotta suck not being able to sleep and get rejuvenated
Well I went to lay down yesterday at 3:30 pm and wound up waking up today at 4:30am ,lol, so I slept like a motherfucker! Only reason I woke up is cause my body hurt from laying down so long!

Im having a really bad problem with my body/muscles shaking/twitching CONSTANTLY, like Freddie Roach type shaking, and NO Im NOT joking, made a doctors appointment to get checked out cause im getting scared a bit, I need a neck fusion for my c4-c7 discs and have had 3 spinal shots for pain, so I am PRAYING my whole body is constantly quivering/shaking from the nerve in that area, otherwise I think their might be a serious problem.

Its not like my head is bobbling like Freddy Roack or micheal J Fox, but its the best way i can explain how my entire body is shaking CONSTANTLY, it aint good,lol, and I think I need to get checked out for some things,lol.

Anyways I slept like a rock finally but even as I try to type this my hands are shaking like crazy! Again praying its from the nerves in my back/neck