Beer and working out


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It is well known in weight-training circles that alcohol is a “gains killer.” That is, the muscle gains that you strive for during a workout may not come if you are ingesting too much alcohol, including beer. This occurs through the blockage of protein synthesis, the forming of new muscles, caused by alcohol consumption. If you are celebrating post-workout with a beer or two, you are in essence obstructing the efforts you made in the gym. :sport::weight::bber:
yeah ^^^^ years ago i could go get hammered than get up and go the gym i would be thinking im hanging why am i in here...NOT NO MORE..i can have 3 glasses of wine and wake up with a hang over..
Hell I was 145lb my 1rst year of college and all I did was drink and lift, came back home that summer weighing 175lb and was pretty lean too. I doubt I could do that now lol at 34
When I was younger I drank all the time. I would work out and go straight to the bar. Now I mite drink a couple beers a year.
My best gains this year were following week long drunken vacations. I don't think it's the best idea in the middle of an intense training program, but when you take a week off to relax and get hammered everyday its kind of like a relaxing restart. At least for me.
A lower level of cortisol implies less stress -- that is, beer as a post-workout drink can help you relax after an intensive exercise session. Yea it's help you relax, but it might slow down metabolism, and increase body fat?