Benefits of NPP


New member
I had a friend ask me about NPP. I don't really know much about it first hand, so some of you guys that have experience with it, please explain. I am also curious as I have seen a NPP/Tren A blend that has me wondering. I'm thinking of a Tren A, Test E or Prop, and either Turinabol or Winstrol, and now maybe the NPP. I am already taking Super DMZ 3 and MC IGF and want to add a little (or a lot) to that.
NPP is fast acting deca. It hits the body in About 48 hours. If stacked with test will make your body look full and thick. I've used it only with winstrol. It works perfect to help lube the joints and legamint. With out allowing and water to retain. A must if you ask me when running winstrol. My buddy loves stacking it with test and drol in his off season. It's cheap to purchase and very affective. Can't go wrong with it in my opinion. It just creates this sort of thick look look to your body. Hard to explain the look. It's not a bloated look its just a thickness it creates.

Winstrol makes you sink into yourself your strength will go into the toilet because of joint pains. But like I said combined with NPP you can lift heavy and the NPP keeps you full. 1:1 ratio I feel works the best for me any way.
Sounds good to me. Do you think the tren/npp blend would be good with the others or just take them individually? I worry about blends being dosed right, but I guess you could have that with anything.
The blend I bet would be awsome. Tren and NPP. Just through some test in with it and you will be full blown in no time.
You know what that blend with winstrol and masteron would shread you up like you wouldn't believe. Through some t3 in the mix and a keto diet with lantus insulin 50iu. Wow. Mrbigz has his cut stack now for the spring!!
Just finishing part two of my cycle with tren a, Masteron, test prop, Proviron and Adex. With MC IGF on and off. I'm lean but still full and veins are popping at places I haven't seen before. Like abs and across chest, in tibia....fckin love it.
If it weren't for pain from genomex pharma debilitating me, it would have been best cycle yet :(
But oh well there's always the next one ;)
Looking forward to PCT with SARMS, Serms and IGF.
Worked best last time.

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Nice how was that cycle adding proviron on top of masterone? What were your dosages running that cycle?
Yeah the NPP is a nice addition to any cutting run or hardening. I used to blend a mean ass Mast/Tren/Prop but the Tren/NPP would be nice as well. I would blend a Test P/NPP/Tren A, hit em hard in the spring

You'll be banging new chicks in no
Nice how was that cycle adding proviron on top of masterone? What were your dosages running that cycle?

I think it worked well. I am hard, dense and vascular.
My cycle was NPP at 500, test p 500, test e 300 for 8 weeks and then tren 500, Mast 500, t prop 800, Proviron in last 4 weeks 75 mg. M1T for front load and now again for rebound after a t3, Clen cycle for last 6 weeks. I went a little generous with t3 and it was bit too harsh for me. Fcking thing always is.
However, my biggest regret has been the grapeseed oil that the AAS is suspended in, my cycle's cut phase had been very poor in training as I couldn't leave house on some days becoz of pain. And it's almost certain to lose muscle on cut cycle if not training hard enough:(

But other than that I loved both parts of the cycle and will do it again with a pharmacy that works for me.

Gotta thank again for MC IGF for super rebound while not adding fat or much bloat even when running with M1T.

I got down to 192 from 226 in 6 weeks. Definitely lost muscle. But now in last 12 days back up to 205 morning weight by adding IGF and M1T for a rebound. Feeling like a balloon after workouts and still finding new veins popping here and there.

Btw, any one tried MC IGF at 1MG ed for 10 days or over. I'd love to hear the results.

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Great job mate....<object width="1" height="1" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="undefined" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed width="1" height="1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" undefined="" allowScriptAccess="always" allowscriptaccess="always" /></object>:)
I think it worked well. I am hard, dense and vascular.
My cycle was NPP at 500, test p 500, test e 300 for 8 weeks and then tren 500, Mast 500, t prop 800, Proviron in last 4 weeks 75 mg. M1T for front load and now again for rebound after a t3, Clen cycle for last 6 weeks. I went a little generous with t3 and it was bit too harsh for me. Fcking thing always is.
However, my biggest regret has been the grapeseed oil that the AAS is suspended in, my cycle's cut phase had been very poor in training as I couldn't leave house on some days becoz of pain. And it's almost certain to lose muscle on cut cycle if not training hard enough:(

But other than that I loved both parts of the cycle and will do it again with a pharmacy that works for me.

Gotta thank again for MC IGF for super rebound while not adding fat or much bloat even when running with M1T.

I got down to 192 from 226 in 6 weeks. Definitely lost muscle. But now in last 12 days back up to 205 morning weight by adding IGF and M1T for a rebound. Feeling like a balloon after workouts and still finding new veins popping here and there.

Btw, any one tried MC IGF at 1MG ed for 10 days or over. I'd love to hear the results.

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try some ghrp-6 for some apitite during cutting bro. I use it when I'm cutting on high mast and winstrol. Keeps apitite up. And tarsilac for the pain. Bro. It will help alittle more. Nothing worse than havig a big lump on your ass and not being able to move or even put your socks on. I hate that shit. I like your style of stacking your drugs bro. It's right to the point, doing what works instead of guessing and testing things out.

- - - Updated - - -

I think it worked well. I am hard, dense and vascular.
My cycle was NPP at 500, test p 500, test e 300 for 8 weeks and then tren 500, Mast 500, t prop 800, Proviron in last 4 weeks 75 mg. M1T for front load and now again for rebound after a t3, Clen cycle for last 6 weeks. I went a little generous with t3 and it was bit too harsh for me. Fcking thing always is.
However, my biggest regret has been the grapeseed oil that the AAS is suspended in, my cycle's cut phase had been very poor in training as I couldn't leave house on some days becoz of pain. And it's almost certain to lose muscle on cut cycle if not training hard enough:(

But other than that I loved both parts of the cycle and will do it again with a pharmacy that works for me.

Gotta thank again for MC IGF for super rebound while not adding fat or much bloat even when running with M1T.

I got down to 192 from 226 in 6 weeks. Definitely lost muscle. But now in last 12 days back up to 205 morning weight by adding IGF and M1T for a rebound. Feeling like a balloon after workouts and still finding new veins popping here and there.

Btw, any one tried MC IGF at 1MG ed for 10 days or over. I'd love to hear the results.

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try some ghrp-6 for some apitite during cutting bro. I use it when I'm cutting on high mast and winstrol. Keeps apitite up. And tarsilac for the pain. Bro. It will help alittle more. Nothing worse than havig a big lump on your ass and not being able to move or even put your socks on. I hate that shit. I like your style of stacking your drugs bro. It's right to the point, doing what works instead of guessing and testing things out.
Thanks bro!!!
I always thought GHRP-6 and cjc w/o dac are great but would hold water. I like it otherwise.
What do you think about running it thru PCT with IGF etc.

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Thanks bro!!!
I always thought GHRP-6 and cjc w/o dac are great but would hold water. I like it otherwise.
What do you think about running it thru PCT with IGF etc.

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yea fuck yea, run it bro. It my opinion running peptides is just another way to keep the ball rolling hold your gains. Etc. while your body cleans out, just assists in your next blast. I had pct in about 10 months. When Ill continue taking growth, and igf, with ghrp-6. Osterine as well. Keep running letro every 3rd day w/nalvodex Ed. Stay looking conditioned. Nalvodex helps the HDL return to better levels. That's my plan.
Thanks bro! But can I use Adex instead of letro EOD since I have it. Or is Adex not favorable because of its effects on cholesterol?

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I don't see why not unless you have had labs done and HDL is really low. Charliebrawn you probably have just as much expirience as I do. You seem to know what works for your body. I go off my labs every few months to know when to run what at what time at high dose or not you know what I mean. My labs a few weeks ago came back looking really good except for my HDL, it was very low. So right now I'm running nalvodex and niacin Ed, ill continue for a while till next lab work. Honestly if you have never taken letro before the first time. You will never get an erection ever running it. It kill all estrogen, but keeps you so lean. You will not hold an ounce of water on letro it's awsome. If you run it run pt-141 and cialis for your erections and sex drive.
Thanks Mr. BigZ, I like to think I do enough research before using a compound but I for sure don't have nearly as much experience in practice. Thanks for the compliment tho!
It's not that easy to get labs done in Canada, eh! But I'll certainly go in after this cycle to get a full blood work done. Since I am running .5 ed Adex I think .5 EOD or e3d might be necessary if I do run it on PCT.

But I feel SARMS in pct help fair bit too in further recomp. Looking forward to that.

Cheers bro!

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