best buy between 3 trenbolones?


New member
What is the best buy between these?

Trenbolone Acetate
British Dragon (Thailand)
750 mg, 10 ml

Trenabol Depot
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
British Dragon (Thailand)
10 ml, 100mg/ml

Blend of 3 Trenbolones
British Dragon (Thailand)
10 ml vial, 150 mg/ml
19.9 cents per mg
16.9 cents per mg
9.9 cents per mg (plus this being a blend of fast and short acting ester I'm guessing?)

I'd go with #3
i agree (yes #3 is a blend of fast and short acting esters).

I can shoot 3 ml in an onetime injection per week for #3?
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I'd probably go with at least 1.5 twice a week. You're going to want your levels to be consistant especially while waiting for the longer esters to kick in.
~65mgs ED is average to a bit high for a 1st time user of tren. Have you used it before and if not, what other cycles have you done? Stats too would help.
first 400 deca/500test
second cycle 500 deca/600 test

gained 12 kg in 9 months (since sept 2004).
height 181 cm
weight 81 kg
training since 3 years

never taken trenbolone before.
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i 've test cypionate and some ethanate. What dosages You suggest in combination with tren?

I'm find difficulties to break this weiight, i dunno why, i sleep 7 hours day, eat 3 times and 3 shakes with proteins , flaxseed oil. No cardio now. Training 3 days/week
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if you go w/ finaplix 2000mg/$32 and do the conversion it would cost 1.5cents/ml and you get pharmaceutical grade tren ace. there's no way in the world that i would spend that kind of money on tren. just my 1.5cents.
The tritrenabol is designed to keep levels stable with twice weekly injections, the acetate ester is active for 36 hours, the hex ester for 4-5 days and the eth for approx 16 days so 1 ml along with your test twice a week would suffice. I would never use tren without test due to the shut down tren quickly induces
If your new to tren i suggest acetate to see how your body reacts, and if ya got a bad reaction then you can quikliy adjust the doesage to rectify the probelm.