Best Cycle for lean bulk?

If i can add my two cents in, pretty much my favorite combo, is test p, tren a and mast p. I about to do a simular cycle with those three. I have found its a a petty popular mix that a lot of reputable suppliers have now. all in one bottle for an evryday or every day injections. Ratios ive seen are 50 / 50 /50 and 100 tes prop 100 mat pro and 76 tren a. Im wishing i ordered the 100 / 100 /76 for my up coming cycle. Would have been easy to do like 1/3 cc everyday or a 1/2 EOD or something. So might be something you wanna look into getting. Never done winny, but im not gonna argue with a guy that is as shredded as presser lol Id listen to him. All this talk of IGF it must be the shizzz Ill have to try it sometime
So far I'm loving it bro. I'm using the 80/80/80 eod. Strength is really starting to pick up. Still in a good mood so I don't know if the tren a in it is under dosed or if it hadn't gotten in my system good yet. This is my first time with winny and so not a whole lot I can say about it. As for the igf it will definitely be part of my next cycle! Too many great reviews to not go with it. I want to try synthol for my calves before summer, I kill them but they still undersized.
So far I'm loving it bro. I'm using the 80/80/80 eod. Strength is really starting to pick up. Still in a good mood so I don't know if the tren a in it is under dosed or if it hadn't gotten in my system good yet. This is my first time with winny and so not a whole lot I can say about it. As for the igf it will definitely be part of my next cycle! Too many great reviews to not go with it. I want to try synthol for my calves before summer, I kill them but they still undersized.
IGF them, then kill them some more. calves need to be beaten to shit.
Igf straight to the calve?

not sure if that is what he was saying to do or not, but i can say for sure that yes, guys use the igf-1 lr3 directly applied to each calf for tremendous muscle growth!
On my 2nd week of this cycle. Strength is going up everyday. Still no night sweats or bad moods. Actually staying in a good mood. Is that heard of with tren ace?
On my 2nd week of this cycle. Strength is going up everyday. Still no night sweats or bad moods. Actually staying in a good mood. Is that heard of with tren ace?

yes, you don't have to be miserable on tren ace lol, though most people do sweat on it but give it some time lol
Tren doesn't mess with my mood until about 5-6 weeks in. Everyone is different though. I don't know if running test high or low or the same effects that any......
Ok. Thanks brothas! I feel like I've gained more strength in 2 weeks than I did with just test and anadrol.
Ok. Thanks brothas! I feel like I've gained more strength in 2 weeks than I did with just test and anadrol.

That sounds about right brutha when adding Trenbolone acetate to your cycle! Tren ace is some amazing shit bro! Its a game changer!
That sounds about right brutha when adding Trenbolone acetate to your cycle! Tren ace is some amazing shit bro! Its a game changer!
Oh yeah. I know this is your fav lean bulk cycle, I'm thinking it's going to end up being mine too! It may just be the tren im loving. I was worried about sex drive with the tren, but I've been like a raging bull lol I definitely want to add it to my next cycle.
On my 2nd week of this cycle. Strength is going up everyday. Still no night sweats or bad moods. Actually staying in a good mood. Is that heard of with tren ace?
I have noticed with the several runs ive made with tren that the sides like sweating mostly disappear with every day use rather than eod because you dont get the ups and downs. once the levels start fluctuating the sides kick in pretty hard.
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I have noticed with the several runs ive made with tren that the sides like sweating mostly disappear with every day use rather than eod because you dont get the ups and downs. once the levels start fluctuating the sides kick in pretty hard.
ED pinning is a pain in the ass...literally.