Best doses in your experience

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
For me anything over 1g of test is a waste. I tried raising my Deca to 900mg a week and it was awesome. I also can't do more than 100mg of Tren EOD. Anymore and my depression and attitude are out of control. EQ at any dose gives me massive BP headaches.
I liked Masteron, but didn't have enough to find a good dose. Proviron at 50mg a day is awesome for me
I wont even use EQ anymore, nor Masteron. I think tren and primo is a better choice.
I agree anything more the 1gram a week for me is a waist if im stacking it with somehting else, but alone ive done slightly higher doses in my younger years and likeed it!

Never used masteron!!

And tren ace, im with ya, 100mg eod tops for me, and thats pushing it, not sure how some guys are taking upwards of a gram a week of tren ace , i think thats nutty
Well I would say...'

test 1250mg wkly
deca 1000mg wkly (this is when you get some crazy ass muscle gains)
dbol 50mg ED or anadrol 100mg ED (but 50mg is enough for most people to get good gains)
hgh 5iu's ED (anything more, and hands go numb, hold a crapload of water, and feel sick all the time, flu like)

dont like EQ huge BP issues, Masteron is good for the final month 100mg EOD, Tren Ace is awesome for the final 6-8 weeks precontest or even offseason (but sides kill me) 75-100mg EOD, Primo is great precontest drug very underated in my opinion. NPP is awesome, for a faster acting deca, and you can get pretty solid gains out of 100mg EOD.
The big dose of Deca was incredible! Of course everything dried up so I've been on pretty much HRT doses for a while. I find what works for me then I can't get it!!
As for EQ, guys I have a friend taking it and he has a fast metabolism and low appetite and wow, that shit makes him eat through metal, so I give that compound an A+ just for that reason. He has tried the peptides, B-12 inj and nothing comes close to the apetite on EQ.
As for deca, he has gone as high as 700mg weekly and only got deca dick and some depression. Everyone seems to love that compound so he is not giving up on it but so far he is not impressed. His total test has been 800m entah and 700 mg sust which makes 1500mg total test per week. Even when he did 1500mg enath, not much happened until sust was added so he is thinking of eliminating enath and abandoning long esters all together. Ive read that long esters dont work the same for everyone. Now, Im no expert in theis area and I have a substantial amount of eduication when it comes to meds but wow, this category is an animal to itself. You would think that the ester would be of little importance and dose would prevail but with his own expierance, its just not working that way. Any feed back would be appreciated.
Ive gained 19lbs just off 500mg of Test Cyp a week, in only 5 weeks. Even made a thread about it on here. Its all about the gear. Lot of bunk stuff out there.
With all due respect. Im confident that you can bounce to 290lbs without a TON of gear due to your history and muscle memory, matruity, knowledge, etc..
Now taking it past your platue would certaintly take more than 500mg cyp. Again, no disrespect intended, just sayin
With all due respect. Im confident that you can bounce to 290lbs without a TON of gear due to your history and muscle memory, matruity, knowledge, etc..
Now taking it past your platue would certaintly take more than 500mg cyp. Again, no disrespect intended, just sayin

No bro, this was quite some time ago. No post show rebound.
best i ever looked was off only 300 mg of sust and 100 mg of tren ace a week. with some gh in there.

i can honestly put on weight decently if i want to but i dont care to try and get huge these days just bigger than normal, lol
Your right about the "Bunk" stuff. Im sure its not as potent as the label says.
Hey Dude, what about Your massive test cycle of the past? I love EQ, Drol, gh...test, deca are ok...tren is good when I can handle the sides
Hey Dude, what about Your massive test cycle of the past? I love EQ, Drol, gh...test, deca are ok...tren is good when I can handle the sides

Bro that was horrible. I honestly can't remember a time I felt worse. I'm glad I tried it as I know that it simply isn't for me. I want to say I made it 8 weeks before throwing in the towel.