Best excercise for ab growth


Gold Member
What's the single best ab excercise for ab growth...what I mean is one that will make your abs pop out in the same sense as say building your shoulders to pop out.

I hardly ever work abs and have a little bit of stomach fat, but I'm not concerned with that right now. I know with bigger ab muscle I'll look fatter, but when I cut down my waist(stomach and back region) will at least have some thickness to it (combined with my heavy dead lifts) instead of looking like a skinny guy's stomach without the deep carves that everyone strives for...

I hope everyone know what I'm talking about...I'm a bit tired right
I kinda like doing cable crunches..Using the tricep rope..
They seem to work well for me, along with just plain crunches..
For bigger ab muscles you would need a weighted movement....

Like cable crunches mentioned above....

But for overall development and cuts, I think that hanging leg raises would be one of the best!
I superset cable crunches/hyper extensions for 3 sets X 30 reps of each at the end of my workout everyday except leg day when I'm pukin' instead................this works for me!:cool:
mark mcgwire said:
I agree with weighted crunches. Here's a picture of the machine our gym has.

Mcgwire is that you? Your pretty hot I like your purple Spandex!!!
Just I prefer weighted crunches also my abs seem to stick out a lot faster
Damn straight!! weighted cable rope crunches by far!

I have been using weighted machine doing crunches getting a little burn I decided to do a few sets of weighted crunches on the cables w/rope.

G'damn I only did 3 sets like 70lbs and my abs are so sore I can't hardly walk and I just did em today.

I bet I will really feel it in the morning. Thanks for advice I like em!
rope crunches agreed!
Also try medicine ball situps if there is not one available use a weight plate on the chest and do laying down sit-ups and incline sit-ups. I love this one it works great.
Just had to throw that in there is wasn't mentioned.
The nice thing with rope crunches is you can add substantial weight so that you can only do 10-15 reps instead of 50's.