Best OTC fatburner

oh and a box of "Primatine" ephedrine hcl costs ONLY $11.69 per box and each box contains 60 tabs, each tab is 12.5mg ephedrine hcl , the usual dosage is 25mg and primatine knows this because the tabs are perferated for 2 tabs at a time which is the 25mg u want to take at once , ofcourse along with 200-400mg caffiene and 85-150mg asperin and voila you have the best fatburning, energizing thermogenic anyone could ever ask for HAND DOWN!!!!!

I'm heading to CVS today to try this out...I can't wait
Yeah you have to sign for it. I just went to Walgreens today and got everything to make the stack. There are three choices they sell there. Primatene Tabs, Broncaid, or the Walgreens store brand. I had to get the Primatene because all the others where out. I just took it today and I feel the same no sweats or anything. Does it have to load or should you feel it on the first dose??

The doses per tab are 12.5 per tab. So I took 2 tabs for for 25mg
1 tab caffene for 200mg
1 low dose asprine 81mg

Is primatene for asthma? I thought it was, but just wanted to make sure it's the same thing that I'm thinking of
oh and a box of "Primatine" ephedrine hcl costs ONLY $11.69 per box and each box contains 60 tabs, each tab is 12.5mg ephedrine hcl , the usual dosage is 25mg and primatine knows this because the tabs are perferated for 2 tabs at a time which is the 25mg u want to take at once , ofcourse along with 200-400mg caffiene and 85-150mg asperin and voila you have the best fatburning, energizing thermogenic anyone could ever ask for HAND DOWN!!!!!

Hey that's good info presser, thanks a lot. I'm going to give the ECA stack a go this year for my prep.