best post treatment

try giving a little more information if you can, just knowing that your on test e and deca is not real much, how old, stats etc are a good start....then we can give you a better idea of your pct....for starters deca and test e for 8 weeks is not really my strongest the time the deca kicks in your gonna be stopping it 3 weeks later.....should be a 10 or 12 week cycle to enjoy its benifits....M-
MdTNT said:
try giving a little more information if you can, just knowing that your on test e and deca is not real much, how old, stats etc are a good start....then we can give you a better idea of your pct....for starters deca and test e for 8 weeks is not really my strongest the time the deca kicks in your gonna be stopping it 3 weeks later.....should be a 10 or 12 week cycle to enjoy its benifits....M-
bump that

also like i always mention that seems like a mild cycle and PCT probably isnt necessary maybe just some clomid
ditto what Superman said,
on a heavy cycle I go with clomid, creatine, IGF and clen PCT :thumbsup:
in the future, Im a big fan of hcg. Used it for the first time my last cycle. Very impressed with the result.
clomid, nolv...whatever you be honest i stay away from clomid, i jsut dont care for the feelings i get on it....i prefer nolv and hcg.....your cycle is pretty low and almsot nothing but HRT low does nolv or running hcg durring the goes either way.....some people prefer clomid....

Im jsut curious bro how old are you.....your running doses just low enough to possibly shut your natural production down rather than accentuate you natural levels...whats teh basis of your cycle....Md-
I agree with the Doc, your doses are very low and if I read your post right your 21? I think you started out pretty young and with the way your cycle is set up you may end up doing more harm than good. Explain your doses and what your goals are and how many cycles you've done and how many weeks into this cycle you are so we can help you out a little better.
MdTNT said:
clomid, nolv...whatever you be honest i stay away from clomid, i jsut dont care for the feelings i get on it....i prefer nolv and hcg.....your cycle is pretty low and almsot nothing but HRT low does nolv or running hcg durring the goes either way.....some people prefer clomid....


Nolva and HCG is the route to go.