best prohormone ever made ?

Epistane-40-60mgs a day...close to winny as far as giing that "dry" look...but gives more strength

Superdrol-30-50mgs a day.... are very close to anadrol...strength wise it's just a bit weaker than drol...but better than dbol...

All the rest weren't worth it IMO
Dude here was asking about Spawn prob one of my favs right there

The Dude didn't like drol? Loving my first run right now strength gains were immediate and so far no sides high dose 100mg ed
SD was strong as shit for me strong as dbol but with way worse sides. I hated that stuff put on like 15 pounds in 4 weeks but fuck lowerback pumps, bloat, headaches, fatigued as hell and lipids were crazy out of wack. Ill never use that shit again, actually ill never use another prohormone again would rather run a cycle then this cheap shit with worse sides. M1t i havent used but id have to say it seems to be one of the strongest ever made.

that's why I never tried PH cause I heard the sides and they are more toxic than the real deal. Plus a guy a know got gyno from methyl test cause they were young and didnt do their research and took way to much.
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Epistane-40-60mgs a day...close to winny as far as giing that "dry" look...but gives more strength

Superdrol-30-50mgs a day.... are very close to anadrol...strength wise it's just a bit weaker than drol...but better than dbol...

All the rest weren't worth it IMO

epistane still around. PM me if you want.
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Looking foward to trying the M1T in my cabinet but i think im gonna have to break out the Halo and Cheque Drops first

Decisions decisions

Personally thought SD was over rated
I dont know why, but Anadrol just didn't do shit for me and I know it was real. I have to say that I really like the Boladrol. I haven't gained a pound, but my strength is way up and I look like I'm on a good dose of Letro. My face is thin and I'm holding zero water. I'm still doing 600mg each of Deca and Test a week while I'm waiting for my Tren. The Boladrol has some serious antiestrogenic effects.
Glad to hear about the Boladrol. I have a pouch and am considering buying another to run with MC's IGF and some slin. Best PH run I ever had was Phera-Plex and Superdrol. The Phera was great, SD added some weight but the sides were something else to deal with. Tren LV by Primordial Performance was good stacked with some 4-AD UTT by AMS, but I wanted to kill someone every day I was on it. And I'm hot-tempered to begin with.
its costs to advertise here, just like all the other sponsors, they pay for banners!

I dont know why, but Anadrol just didn't do shit for me and I know it was real. I have to say that I really like the Boladrol. I haven't gained a pound, but my strength is way up and I look like I'm on a good dose of Letro. My face is thin and I'm holding zero water. I'm still doing 600mg each of Deca and Test a week while I'm waiting for my Tren. The Boladrol has some serious antiestrogenic effects.
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best prohormone

Does it really matter? In the end a prohormone converts to an active steroid compound so whats the difference? Is it because the ones that aren't prohormones are going to be more potent since they don't have to convert or what?

best prohormone
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Pro-hormone powder supplier above is no longer in business, likely due to the new PH bill banning everything under the sun lol, and for the record, I have only used superdrol , never got into pro hormones
Please feel free to kep this list and topic going with "The Best Pro-hormone ever made" or designer steroid / hormone as well as what might be availalble now days
best pro-hormone I have ever used was dmz 3.0, I only used the recommended dose but it blew me up and gave me crazy strength gains
I used to use hardcore powders for alot of stuff. Still have some of their powders.

Best prohormone or I should say designer steroids or 4.
4-methyl clostabol very simular to T-bol

- - - Updated - - -

Epistane is great works on me like avar but stronger in a good way.
We should qualify the best ones that are still legal and the best ones which are now just like good old DBOL.

I like epi but the sides kill me ( I get really bad acid reflux) awesome hardener somewhere between var and winnie. My farvorite legal is Alpha 1 and close second is Msten. Now when you talk about oil based PH my favorite of all time is desoxy-t- cyp or ace. Best cutter on the planet mg for mg and is way better than mast for me.
We should qualify the best ones that are still legal and the best ones which are now just like good old DBOL.

I like epi but the sides kill me ( I get really bad acid reflux) awesome hardener somewhere between var and winnie. My farvorite legal is Alpha 1 and close second is Msten. Now when you talk about oil based PH my favorite of all time is desoxy-t- cyp or ace. Best cutter on the planet mg for mg and is way better than mast for me.

Bro I don't think there are any legal ones left that you could put into a "best" category.. or even a "good" category.

Superdrol IMO will always be number one. That shit is just nasty nasty nasty strong. Stronger then any other oral I've ever used. Although they say methyldrostanolone is not a prohormone it's a steroid. I'm not a chemist so I don't know really know.

I've never used this one but number two would by epistane, based off of the sheer amount of reviews.

I did try 1-ad and 4-ad together, back in the day. I did really well on it but as soon as I came off I got pneumonia and got really fricken sick and lost everything. Like a year later I ran a cycle of Sustanon and dbol and a few weeks after coming off going mononucleosis and was bed ridden for almost a month. The two times that I've been the sickest in my life just so happened to be right after coming off of prohormones/steroids..

luckily i'm on trt now though.