best Syringes to use


New member
what kind of Syringes + needle it's best to use with oli based streroids ? can you give me a link where i can see a photo so i can buy the right ?

the problem that pushing pulling with the syringes i'm using actually it's too hard. perpaps too small needle diameter??
i draw with 22's and shoot with 25's... anything bigger than a 22 and your vial will look like a pin cushion and anything smaller than 25 and you'll have a really hard time pushing it into your muscle

I put my vial into a cup of hot water before drawing up and it helps tremendously and the same goes for before you inject, if the oil is warm it makes it flow faster/smoother and will be less painful

PM me if you'd like
I think the word for thickness is spessimetro in italian. I like an 18 gauge pin to draw and a 25 gauge pin to inject.
I like the pin to be at least 1.5" length especially if injecting into the glutes. a 1'" pin is fine for delt, quads injections.
I use a 22 gauge 1 1/2" for drawing and injecting (have a whole box of them--comes 100/box). I had to use 23 gauge once, but man, that was one big needle. I don't even want to see a 25 gauge.
Gauge needle

I use 21 gauge all the way around to pull and shoot with....22 sometimes...but 21 I like best. I like needles, especially when they are filled with the beautiful elixir of life called, "GEAR!!" ha!Ha!

The Iron is the Truth!!
tonykemp said:
I use a 22 gauge 1 1/2" for drawing and injecting (have a whole box of them--comes 100/box). I had to use 23 gauge once, but man, that was one big needle. I don't even want to see a 25 gauge.

Bro, I think you got something backwards here. 25g is much smaller than a 22g. The bigger the number the smaller in diameter the pin is. I used to use 20g to inject now that was about painful. I use 18g to drw and 23g one inch to shoot below the waist. Above the waist go for 25g 5/8 inch ones
have to agree with mmx here. use the big pipe (18gauge) to draw and use as small as you can get by with to actually do the nasty with (25-27).
what i'm using that causes the problem (i.e. pulling/pushing it's hard when neddle it's in your muscle) is a 23g.

I've bougth 21 needle today, next week i'll post the result.

Thanks for your reply!

Dang it! That's right, I did have it backwards. Thanks, brew. Never was good with numbers--I guess that's why I'm an artist. :) It was a 21 gauge I used before, not 23, and I thought that was big.

18ga Terumo to draw......22ga for oil base.....terumo seem to me to be much sharper than BD, etc...
freaking weird shit is here in Indiana it is legal to purchase syringes, even at rural king you can get vet syringes on the shelf....but if you get pulled over with em on's paraphenalia!!!!!! wtf?????
Where do you guys get your Syringes?? This is probably a stupid question but can you just go to the store and buy them? If so which one:o :confused:
inky said:
what is 22g in italian pharmacy language?
here in italy pharmacist use the metric sistem instead of the gauge(even if on the needles the gauge is allways written)
usually 5ml syringes comes with a 0,60x30mm needle that is a 23 gauge.
for shooting oils i use a 21 gauge wich is 0,8x40 mm.
aniway just tell the doctor that you need a larger needle to shoot oils,syringes are legal in italy and pharmacist always minds their business:cool: