Best TNE recipe

Just in passing - as a chemist, I know for a *fact* that the PSL TNE in oil contains Guaiacol. How much? Haven't tried to determine that yet - but from the coloration, I'd estimate that a good portion of it is guaiacol. I should waste a small amount to try and identify the percentage, just for curiosity's sake.

If you have the time go for it. Thanks for passing that along, I will be avoiding that lol
I don't do well with Guac or EO.

I did one that worked but crashed (separated) days later to be honest I have a recipe that works but don't really share it.
I heard through the grapevine that MCt oil is not going to work with this recipe..haven't tried it my self but if anyone has post it here.
Mct only
150ml x 58mg/ml
Got it to hold, however 2 of 15 have crashed the day after putting them in vials..
Lost about 20ml filtering and overfilling..

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The recipe I posted worked great for me, quality of raws is sort of an unknown for most people so that could make a difference. After brewing it I first filtered through a millipore steritop with a pvdf membrane. The solution was crystal clear before filtering and after had a nasty hazy blue tint to it. As I came to find out this was the plastic of the filter body melting into the solution. After going back and forth with a few people I decided to give the zapcap-CR a go and while it filtered slowly it took out all the plastic bits and I wound up with a solution that was clear as day. As I said before I had one vial crash and the rest were good to go. I'll be happy to post some pictures of the finished product tomorrow.
The problem with tne is the amount of guaiacol and possibly eo used. I know for a fact that many companies use 100% eo and 20% guaiacol on top of 2/20 ba/bb. Way to much solvent for me to use but it works for winny as well. Eo seems best added once in liquid form. But as powder guy mentioned it's going to ruin a filter fast and it's even hard to pin. Simply pulling a ml into a syringe the eo will make the rubber drag as you try to inject but with the amount of solvent it's thin as hell.

I recently made it easily with 2/20 and 12% guaiacol. Then 30/70 eo to gso. It held up just fine but my buddy said it left a sting where the pure eo did not. But that's again a biased opinion for a single person I have another guy using it and no issues at all. This was made 100ml at 75mg/ml. I have some pics but don't know how to post from a phone. Maybe I'll try tap talk.