Best way to make soft boiled eggs??

The Survivor

New member
Following Rich Piana's advice of 12 egg whites and 2 cups oats in a blended shake, I would assume that the eggs should be hard boiled, thing is I cant recall ever soft or hard boiling eggs mostly bacause I never cared for them like that. That being said, I need to start liking them that way, dont you boil egg for about 5 minutes, then put on an egg stand and if done right, wouldnt the yolk still be liquid enough to pour out and discard leaving behind a solidified white which you can place in a blender? Does it take a long time to peel the shell off? Thanks!
The shell is always a bitch. But put your eggs in the room temp water bring to a boil for like 30 seconds then shut off the heat and leave them in the water. They should be pretty close to soft boiled like that.
So if you were to injest a dozen soft boiled egg whites and 2 cups oats, all blended, this would entail a meal that would likely have to be eaten with a fork I there any advantage to drinking egg whites aka Rocky style? I know some seem to think its hard for your body to digest raw eggs while others say that a myth, but in this case, mixing the raw eggs w/ths oats, nasty as it may sound, a few gulps from the blender and it could be history, which is what I'm looking for....a quick way to injest a meal
I bought 26lbs of powdered egg whites I sell some on ebay if you are interested. You just mix like half a scoop in with your protein and it's about 17-20 grams egg whites drinkable. It tastes really bitter and eggy so just mix it with an overrly sweet protein powder and it gets a custard like taste. The bv of raw egg whites is like 50-60%. Cooked eggwhites is like 80% bv. I think... I've never made a liquid shake out of cooked eggs although I have heard of it before. It's supposed to blend up normal. What are you gonna do with all the yokes? I hope you have a dog. Honestly... I would just make like a 12 egg white scramble with a few yolks mixed in with brown rice and vegetables chinese style like celery bean sprouts, green onion. Same difference. Eggs and carbs.

Put soy sauce in the egg mixture to season it too.
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you said hard boiled egg whites. Then just hardboil them and after pealing the shell break in half and the
yolk comes right out. There are so many ways to do the egg whites. Never heard of drinking cooked egg
white though. I do 2 cups cooked oatmeal and either scramble egg whites seperate of hardboil and just
eat the whites. to hardboil I put eggs in cold water, bring to boil and turn down heat and simmer for 11 min.
Then rinse with cold water and let them cool. Good to go. lol
I bought 26lbs of powdered egg whites I sell some on ebay if you are interested. You just mix like half a scoop in with your protein and it's about 17-20 grams egg whites drinkable. It tastes really bitter and eggy so just mix it with an overrly sweet protein powder and it gets a custard like taste. The bv of raw egg whites is like 50-60%. Cooked eggwhites is like 80% bv. I think... I've never made a liquid shake out of cooked eggs although I have heard of it before. It's supposed to blend up normal. What are you gonna do with all the yokes? I hope you have a dog. Honestly... I would just make like a 12 egg white scramble with a few yolks mixed in with brown rice and vegetables chinese style like celery bean sprouts, green onion. Same difference. Eggs and carbs.

Put soy sauce in the egg mixture to season it too.
This isnt the same as egg protein is it? These are actuall freeze dried eggs in a powered form?
I've always heard its the other way around, its harder to digest cooked eggs and much easier to digest raw. I have never heard of putting semi cooked or cooked eggs in a blender with oatmeal. Its always been raw egg whites to the best of my knowledge.

"The bv of raw egg whites is like 50-60%. Cooked eggwhites is like 80% bv. I think.." What is 'bv'?
Biological value is BV. There are a lot of different numbers. Couldn't find raw egg bv. There are also questions whether food can have a bv% above 100. Kind of like Legend Pharma saying there powders are 104% pure.:dizzy:

[TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 445"]
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[TD="width: 350"][/TD]
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Whey Protein Isolates <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Whey Protein Concentrate <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Whole Egg <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Milk <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Egg White <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Cottage Cheese <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Tuna <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Fish <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Beef <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Chicken <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Soy <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Casein <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Peanuts <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Yogurt <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Oatmeal <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
[TD="width: 350"]Wheat <o:p></o:p>
[TD="width: 31"]
[TD="width: 64"]
In very simplistic terms, the biological value of eggs is very high as their amino acid ratios are about as close to our own tissue's makeup as possible. BUT, the availability raw egg protein is lower, so your body can't absorb as much of that great ratio.

Digestability is around 50-60% when raw, while cooked egg protein digestability is around 90%. So while eggs have a GREAT total profile, they need to be cooked for your body to take full advantage of that profile.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I have been choking down raw eggs for months now because I thought it was the other way around. I'm gonna start cooking those bad boys.