Better to train around women or men???

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I personally don't like to have a lot of women around the gym when I'm training. The reason being is because I feel awkward like I can't be myself and really get serious into things. I feel like when I drop a weight they think I'm showing off or if I'm struggling with a weight that I look like I'm trying to lift more than I should because they might be watching. I just prefer to train with mainly just guys in the gym. This is why I love my gym, we don't have very many female members because of how dirty and hardcore it is. I will occasionally go to other gyms and be around women, but I just don't get as good of a workout in.

Another reason is simply because I will get distracted if they are hot. If they are hot then I don't want to look stupid or make any weird faces while I'm lifting. I always train in a beanie with headphones blasted as loud as they'll go so I tend to stand out the way it is, but at my gym people are used to it.

I know I can't be the only one who loves training around mainly guys. I know I'll get blasted for stating this, but it's the truth lol
i prefer the attention from females

i dont like waiting for a machine or somewhere to work in when there are a lot of guys
most guys don't know what they're doing and take up space...the ladies are usually very focused...i've said it before and i'll say it again, that the best training partners i've ever had were women
My wife was by far my best training partner years ago!

i usually like to train around women, take my shirt off, bounce my pecs a few times and tell them to stop arguing amongst themselves as they can take turns spotting me!! Lmao!!
I like training with my girl around, but I mean if I had to pick between training around 10 men or 10 women, I'd pick 10 men. I just don't focus as much around women
For me it more so depends on who it the gym I go to now, there's so many idiots who have no idea what they're doin and it throws my focus off cuz they're acting stupid...but most of the women just kinda get in do their thing and get out.

And it does help my intensity when there is a hot bodied female who focused and busting her ass training....testosterone boost!!! Haha
For me it more so depends on who it the gym I go to now, there's so many idiots who have no idea what they're doin and it throws my focus off cuz they're acting stupid...but most of the women just kinda get in do their thing and get out.

And it does help my intensity when there is a hot bodied female who focused and busting her ass training....testosterone boost!!! Haha

this is what i notice too...
Another thing I've noticed when women are around is that I lose all focus on contracting and really squeezing my muscles instead I am just lifting
I like lifting by myself in my shop, better focus and i can crank the hell out of the stereo!

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well i went to a differant gym this saturday and it was a mistake there was about 20 woman all doing their "boot camp" crossfit type crap (there is a local "team") at that gym and i was literally stepping over them to get around. i kid you not they were just popiing down doing pushups in the aisles of equipemnt.

now i like some good looking woman in the gym but man they can get annoying when they are in the way like that.
Personally I like a mixed crowd. Keeps everything balanced. Too many guys and everyone is sizing others up and their tends to be some tension. Some girls seem to keep the retards from screaming and smashing their 15lb weights to the ground.
I think I get more annoyed working out around guys much more than with the girls. You've got little punks with horrible form trying to lift way too much, then there's the guys pimped out in latest skin tight under armour gear at 20% BF, the chatty know it all type that likes to give wanted tips on how to increase your bench, and of course there's the ego assholes. The girls are there mostly for one reason, to train. They're more focused, quiet, respectful, and they keep to themselves. The main stream gyms are jammed packed with "look at me " wanna be's. Most women tend to be at the gym for the right reasons where the guys.....well not so much. I'll train with the ladies!
I like training anywhere there are a good amount of people, but they never talk to me or ask me a single question, or watch me workout either...Just focused on their own thing, but there working hard.

I can't stand women 9/10 times at the gym..Anytime they come around, they act nervous like I am going to stare at them or check them out..Which I really don't...I have actually taken off my headphones and told women who keep looking at me, "Dont worry I'm not interested in you, so please stop staring at me as well."

I am very unfriendly at the gym because of all the interruptions I have had over the years.
I don't talk to or pay attention to any of the women (or men for that matter) at the gym. As long as they aren't interrupting me it does not matter who is there.