Better to train around women or men???

I like training anywhere there are a good amount of people, but they never talk to me or ask me a single question, or watch me workout either...Just focused on their own thing, but there working hard.

I can't stand women 9/10 times at the gym..Anytime they come around, they act nervous like I am going to stare at them or check them out..Which I really don't...I have actually taken off my headphones and told women who keep looking at me, "Dont worry I'm not interested in you, so please stop staring at me as well."

I am very unfriendly at the gym because of all the interruptions I have had over the years.

Wes, you should write a book with your "quotes", They are priceless. Thats why I work out where I do. There is a ballys nearby and a little cheaper
but it is filled with attitude. If its fucking snowing you dont have to wear your tank top with your lats flared walking across the parkinglot.
Im in a mom and pop gym owned by former pro BBer. (wife competed also) NO ATTITUDE, good mix of men and women and everyone does thier
own thing. No advice unless asked for and its never overly crowded. Everyone is cool and sometimes a lot of laughs. I would rather pay a little
more to keep a small business like this going then to one of those chains. Just me. Very comfortable though.
For the most part t doesn't matter to me. On the flip side, since I'm a lady and all, you've got petty idiotic women that are jealous and want to stare and give u the evil eye because you are fit and they aren't. I just smile:) I pretty much just put on my tunes and do my thang in my zone. Sometimes tho I like going to the old dirty "guy" gyms so I can grunt and grrr when I need to while training. I can't really do that at my gym. :)
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I like training anywhere there are a good amount of people, but they never talk to me or ask me a single question, or watch me workout either...Just focused on their own thing, but there working hard.

I can't stand women 9/10 times at the gym..Anytime they come around, they act nervous like I am going to stare at them or check them out..Which I really don't...I have actually taken off my headphones and told women who keep looking at me, "Dont worry I'm not interested in you, so please stop staring at me as well."

I am very unfriendly at the gym because of all the interruptions I have had over the years.

They're starring at you Wes cuz you're traps are casting a shadow across the gym!!! LOL

I do hate that nervousness you're talking about some chicks get when you get near them at the gym, like I'm going jump on them and rape them right there on the spot! LOL!
One thing I've noticed traveling all over the country and training in hardcore gyms and just regular gyms is that no matter what woman just want to get in and get out. I've had more guys try to stare me down or bother me with stupid questions like "why are you doing deadlifts at the end of back day? You should just keep it on leg day." I don't bother women at all at the gym, like my wife says "it's one of the few places where there isn't a target on your ass" when in all reality there is lol.

In the end, I'd take a woman to gander at than some douche bag next to me.

On a side note; I was in a gym in Tulsa, OK and a young kid, about early 20's was killing it. I think it was a combo of chest and triceps. The thing is he only had one arm, looked like he was born that way. I saw him there the 3 days I was working out. On the last day I was doing a heavy ass back day of 10 sets of deadlifts and about set 7 on the verge of puking I see him doing some one handed pull ups on the assisted pull up machine. I reached in my bag and wrote a note and gave it to him. It said "you motivate me." I was nearly in tears writing it out and he gave me a little chest bump and we both went on our way.
One thing I've noticed traveling all over the country and training in hardcore gyms and just regular gyms is that no matter what woman just want to get in and get out. I've had more guys try to stare me down or bother me with stupid questions like "why are you doing deadlifts at the end of back day? You should just keep it on leg day." I don't bother women at all at the gym, like my wife says "it's one of the few places where there isn't a target on your ass" when in all reality there is lol.

In the end, I'd take a woman to gander at than some douche bag next to me.

On a side note; I was in a gym in Tulsa, OK and a young kid, about early 20's was killing it. I think it was a combo of chest and triceps. The thing is he only had one arm, looked like he was born that way. I saw him there the 3 days I was working out. On the last day I was doing a heavy ass back day of 10 sets of deadlifts and about set 7 on the verge of puking I see him doing some one handed pull ups on the assisted pull up machine. I reached in my bag and wrote a note and gave it to him. It said "you motivate me." I was nearly in tears writing it out and he gave me a little chest bump and we both went on our way.

That's awesome bro! I love to hear stuff like this. Seeing that will crush any "poor me" crap that tries to creep in.