Bicep injections


New member
I did my first Bicep injections last night, 1CC of the EQL Prop 100 and dam did it hurt. Is this normal?

I usually rotate between Gluts, Quads & Delts all with no problems.
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Triceps are pretty similar as the bicep injections. I shoot 2 cc's in each and the only pain is after just from stretching them out.
keep going and the pain will lesson, its a new area that has to deal with the irritation. Just something you have to suck up, if you want to be all you can be. No this isn't the army.
I shoot delts triceps and quads no pain.. I save the glutes for the stuff that knots me up like QV 250 I tried biceps 2 times... it hurt just pushing in the needle and cramped up for 10-15 minuts after the shot... just to uncomfortable.. I was shooting fina.. and the same fina was painless everywhere else.. its a shame I love the temporary swelling you get from the shots :)
Do bis and tris all the time. Yes they hurt. Like hell at first but it does get better. I swear that during my last tren cycle, my bi's looked huge from the injections but I started to lose strenght by the end of my cycle. coulda been due to overtraing i guess. will know with more experience.