Big Lifter's huge winter bulker!!!

yea tell me about it, i really wanna run the deca this time to help my joints.
ive changed my goals for this cycle, i dont run deca very often, last time i used it was when i weighed my most so im going to go for 100+ again.

thanks for the igf press! got here thismorning i wont run out 4 a while now, lol.
IGF is amazing for joints. If your Deca usage was primarily for that reason I would just up the test. High dose test and IGF are insane!
IGF is amazing for joints. If your Deca usage was primarily for that reason I would just up the test. High dose test and IGF are insane!

im using deca becuase last time i used it i got huge obviously alot of water but its been years ince ive been like that and i miss it lol, the joint help is just an added bonus. plan now is to get huge over winter with test deca and coming into summer change the deca for high dose tren.
ive been back on igf for 11 days now 60mcg AM 60mcg PWO on training days an just 60mcg AM on days im not training, and im still feeling my joints shoulder is getting worse (which is expected, im putting up more weight now and without AAS, thanks to MC's igf:thumbsup:) and today for the first time, i got a real sharp pain in my wrist/ palm doing machine presses at the end of my chest workout, hopefully it doesnt happen everytime i do it.

im feeling lethargic again tonight, seems to be more obvious after IM shots, didnt get the feeling at all over the weekend (only had 2 sub Q shots on sat and sun).
i decided to test my theory about IM igf shots making me more lethargic, so thismorning for my AM shot i was getting what was left of the bottle out ended up being 120mcgs and i stuck it in my quad. definately was feeling the lethargy from it today i just had an hour and a bit sleep. not sure if it was because i shot 120mcg or if it was the IM shot that did it, ill experiement with it over the next few days.
taking training off tonight i might need to go to the physio my shoulders are startingto get annoying, i dont want them getting any worse. tonight just going to have a hot pack on them and massage and repeat. not sure if it will help cause it feels more like its in the joints than muscle pain.
i decided to test my theory about IM igf shots making me more lethargic, so thismorning for my AM shot i was getting what was left of the bottle out ended up being 120mcgs and i stuck it in my quad. definately was feeling the lethargy from it today i just had an hour and a bit sleep. not sure if it was because i shot 120mcg or if it was the IM shot that did it, ill experiement with it over the next few days.
taking training off tonight i might need to go to the physio my shoulders are startingto get annoying, i dont want them getting any worse. tonight just going to have a hot pack on them and massage and repeat. not sure if it will help cause it feels more like its in the joints than muscle pain.

yeah bro u sound like me with the joint issues, I wish mine were just muscle issues, especialy with my knees, those joints are dead,lol

So im guessing it was tough to tell if the Im shots are making u lathargic or not cuase you used 120mcgs all at once, lmao, which would make anyone lathargic,lol, u should have stuck to ur normal dose u been using to figure out if the lathargicness is from im or subq, unless ofcourse 120mcgs is ur normal dose, lol
im using deca becuase last time i used it i got huge obviously alot of water but its been years ince ive been like that and i miss it lol, the joint help is just an added bonus. plan now is to get huge over winter with test deca and coming into summer change the deca for high dose tren.
ive been back on igf for 11 days now 60mcg AM 60mcg PWO on training days an just 60mcg AM on days im not training, and im still feeling my joints shoulder is getting worse (which is expected, im putting up more weight now and without AAS, thanks to MC's igf:thumbsup:) and today for the first time, i got a real sharp pain in my wrist/ palm doing machine presses at the end of my chest workout, hopefully it doesnt happen everytime i do it.

im feeling lethargic again tonight, seems to be more obvious after IM shots, didnt get the feeling at all over the weekend (only had 2 sub Q shots on sat and sun).

Thats pretty crazy that ur actualy putting more weight up on just igf, dont get me wrong i love the stuff to and think it does wonders alone for keeping strantgh after a steroid cycle, but i cant say that i have experienced my weight actualy improving on lifts, however i have heard a select few say their putting up more weight, i guess everyone is different, cause as we all know u normaly dont add bodyweight on just igf alone but you rather keep ur body weight the same while ur body changes visualy from fatloss, however we did have a guy here post a few years ago that he was actualy pissed off cause he said he gained 20lbs on the stuff,lol, and he was worried about losing the wieght to make his weight class in his upcoming show, so i suppose were all different and respond quite differently in some aspects
yea my weights are going up, but im not anywhere near breaking any of my PB's but im definately stronger again. havnt put any weight on though and i can tell im holding a bit of water now too so i must be losing a bit of bf%. muscle memory is the main factor for my strength gains atm, and when i start the rest of my cycle my weight will start coming back too.
lol, i cant explain how excited i am to get back into it properly again, i feel like a little kid at christmas, hah.
yeah bro u sound like me with the joint issues, I wish mine were just muscle issues, especialy with my knees, those joints are dead,lol

So im guessing it was tough to tell if the Im shots are making u lathargic or not cuase you used 120mcgs all at once, lmao, which would make anyone lathargic,lol, u should have stuck to ur normal dose u been using to figure out if the lathargicness is from im or subq, unless ofcourse 120mcgs is ur normal dose, lol

lol, yea i know i didnt think there was that much igf left in the vial and once i got it out i thought i might aswell use it, but ill experiment over the next few days with the im subq thing. im thinking about starting 100mcg AM and 100mcg PWO when i get started with my AAS which might be sooner than i thought, its not looking good for my deca so im thinking about going with alot of test, and adding deca later down the track.
did back today, had a real good workout and had a noticeably better pump than usual. still can feel my shoulders though, hopefully getting a massage friday so i'll c if thats makes a difference.

i was talking to a mate today and hes coming to the end of his test and deca cycle, he was running 2250mg enan and 1200mg deca and he put on 16kg's. i dont know how id react to a cycle like that, he doesnt really look too bloated though. if i can get my hands on enough stuff i might run some doses close to that just to see how it makes me feel.
mate u know igf will is similar to insulin, and can make u lethargic or feel funny as u blood sugar drops...

ive noticed this myself.
mate u know igf will is similar to insulin, and can make u lethargic or feel funny as u blood sugar drops...

ive noticed this myself.

yea i know igf makes you lethargic, but i dont think its the blood sugar that does it i dont get any other symptoms of being hypo ever and i run pretty high doses compared to most. since i first started reading about igf a few years ago i always learnt that its the things that igf does to you that makes you tired, like building new cells and burning fat it all takes alot of energy to do.

i had a great arm workout today, one of the best tricep pumps ive ever had and was way stronger than last week, but i did tri's before biceps today so that would be part of the reason.
i think im going to change my igf protocol from AM and PWO shots to shooting the daily dose all PWO, im not sure though because i like how im going with splitting the doses, i might change to PWO shots only, up until i start my cycle and by then ill know what i like better so ill stick to that protocol through my cycle.
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last friday i shot 120mcgs PWO after training shoulders, and today i did 120mcgs PWO after chest, im going to stick to this protocol for a another week or so and see how it compares to splitting the doses.

seems like its taking forever to get my cycle started. i weighed in at just under 90kg at the gym today.

on the way to work thismorning i was thinking about igf protocols and how i should run it during my cycle, and i got to thinking about how some people who run hgh, take it everyday and some beleive that for putting on muscle that running hgh with 3 big shots a week PWO is best. then i was thinking since the growth from hgh is due to its conversion to igf, i wondered if i did like 500mcgs igf PWO mon/wen/fri, would that be another protocol worth trying?
any thoughts on running igf that way?
interesting thought mate... (im from aus as well)

ive been playing around with my igf as well... and my gh and slin...

here one ive tried,

10iu slin (1 hour pre work)
100mcg IGF (at the gym IM into muscle trained when finished)
*this has worked very well and the protocol ive used mostly...


20iu slin (PWO)
100mcg IGF (30mins PreWO)
*i tried this for legs, as i wanted higher dose slin, and couldnt have that much slin and carbs before leg workout, id spew. its good, but the pump was so bad i couldnt get deep on many movements.

tried this also with legs... (trying bring them up)

10iu slin (subq 1 hour preworkout)
100mcg (IM post workout)
10iu slin (IM post workout)
*this combo hit me like a tonne of bricks after i took it, igf will bring on slin HARD! and id already had a slin shot prior. that said, it was a killer workout, and my recovery would be the quickest ever from that type of leg workout...

i like the combo of slin and igf...

i use my GH first thing every morning...

i havent noticed the lethargy ur talking about though.? is it all day? just parts of the day... ?
interesting thought mate... (im from aus as well)

ive been playing around with my igf as well... and my gh and slin...

here one ive tried,

10iu slin (1 hour pre work)
100mcg IGF (at the gym IM into muscle trained when finished)
*this has worked very well and the protocol ive used mostly...


20iu slin (PWO)
100mcg IGF (30mins PreWO)
*i tried this for legs, as i wanted higher dose slin, and couldnt have that much slin and carbs before leg workout, id spew. its good, but the pump was so bad i couldnt get deep on many movements.

tried this also with legs... (trying bring them up)

10iu slin (subq 1 hour preworkout)
100mcg (IM post workout)
10iu slin (IM post workout)
*this combo hit me like a tonne of bricks after i took it, igf will bring on slin HARD! and id already had a slin shot prior. that said, it was a killer workout, and my recovery would be the quickest ever from that type of leg workout...

i like the combo of slin and igf...

i use my GH first thing every morning...

i havent noticed the lethargy ur talking about though.? is it all day? just parts of the day... ?

thats some real good ideas mate, ive never used gh, i cant get it do you source from here in aus?

im going to experiment different protocols with slin for sure, but i'll get a bit of experience with it before i do it pre WO to make sure i can get the carb timing right. the slin pre and post with igf sounds like the best protocol especially for a hardcore training session and recovery, i cant wait to try it out.

im not sure why you dont get the lethargy, it sort of comes and goes but normally i get it when i first start back on the igf and when i bump up the dose. ive got a few protocols i want to try with the igf this cycle, im thinking about doing 100mcg when i wake up 100mcg pre workout and 100-200 post workout with slin.
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thats some real good ideas mate, ive never used gh, i cant get it do you source from here in aus?

im going to experiment different protocols with slin for sure, but i'll get a bit of experience with it before i do it pre WO to make sure i can get the carb timing right. the slin pre and post with igf sounds like the best protocol especially for a hardcore training session and recovery, i cant wait to try it out.

im not sure why you dont get the lethargy, it sort of comes and goes but normally i get it when i first start back on the igf and when i bump up the dose. ive got a few protocols i want to try with the igf this cycle, im thinking about doing 100mcg when i wake up 100mcg pre workout and 100-200 post workout with slin.

yeh mate i get with in aus, blue tops...

or im tyring a new batch, that comes pre mixed... seems to be working very well... i was very sketchy bout it being pre mixed... or about it lasting longer than 72 hours... but i feel it working. comes out of sydney, dark brown bottles with no labels. know of it?

just make sure when u do the 2nd shot of slin and ur IGF that u have carbs handy.

i tolerate slin very well. but that made me feel woozy quick, but had my wpi/waxy shake and was good to go.

do u source ur igf from here? any dramas with doing that???
yeh mate i get with in aus, blue tops...

or im tyring a new batch, that comes pre mixed... seems to be working very well... i was very sketchy bout it being pre mixed... or about it lasting longer than 72 hours... but i feel it working. comes out of sydney, dark brown bottles with no labels. know of it?

just make sure when u do the 2nd shot of slin and ur IGF that u have carbs handy.

i tolerate slin very well. but that made me feel woozy quick, but had my wpi/waxy shake and was good to go.

do u source ur igf from here? any dramas with doing that???

nah man like i said, never used hgh i can get ahold of it, but not from the sort of people id buy it off, probably been in some1's sock draw for 6 months b4 i get it. how much gh do you run mate?

yea im going to be using igf slin post workout and would have my shake ready, how soon b4 training do you do your first shot? and do you just have a big meal after it?

ive used other places to get igf, (never from aus though) got my current stock from MC real good stuf, and got here quick.
nah man like i said, never used hgh i can get ahold of it, but not from the sort of people id buy it off, probably been in some1's sock draw for 6 months b4 i get it. how much gh do you run mate?

yea im going to be using igf slin post workout and would have my shake ready, how soon b4 training do you do your first shot? and do you just have a big meal after it?

ive used other places to get igf, (never from aus though) got my current stock from MC real good stuf, and got here quick.

very true, always the risk u run

im using 3.3iu per day... good stuff... i rate it highly...

i used it for my prep, and from my last prep, it was like night and day. i literally grew into my prep.

now using it for offseason its keeping me lean, and i feel the igf is added the size.

mate my slin pre workout i try to time an hour before, as humalog peaks at the hour mark.

i always have a shake within fifteen mins of my slin shot, usually about 7g carbs (i use waxy maize) per IU, i usually have a during workout shake, with bout 30g waxy in it too.

hmm i might try MCs ... no ACS drama?
very true, always the risk u run

im using 3.3iu per day... good stuff... i rate it highly...

i used it for my prep, and from my last prep, it was like night and day. i literally grew into my prep.

now using it for offseason its keeping me lean, and i feel the igf is added the size.

mate my slin pre workout i try to time an hour before, as humalog peaks at the hour mark.

i always have a shake within fifteen mins of my slin shot, usually about 7g carbs (i use waxy maize) per IU, i usually have a during workout shake, with bout 30g waxy in it too.

hmm i might try MCs ... no ACS drama?

ACS? theres no prob getting through customs, they garuntee delivery, give them a go.
i really want to try hgh now. lol
havnt updated in a few days, my cars in the workshop so have been relying on others for a lift to the gym, makes it harder to take my igf and stuff so have just been shooting before training. ive got my slin now and it looks like i might have my deca again now, so i'll give it maybe another week if not by then im going to jump on test by itself 4 a while.
ive been testing the waters with clen last few days, did 6 drops yesterday and got the shakes a bit at work, i had 8 drops just about an hour ago, im heading off to work soon so i'll see how i go 2day, im already shaking lol.