Big Ramy Pictures at 335lbs


Crazy how tight he keeps his waist. Usually guys over the 250 range just lose the waist from all the insulin it takes to get that big at 5'10".

No doubt he is huge. It no detail In his muscles at all. Looks like a blown up rubber doll. You can tell his physique is built from day one on pure drugs. No base at all. Took him 3 years to get like that. Most guys train from teenagers and it takes years to achieve good dence muscle. This guy skipped all the steps and jumped right in to heavy aas and gh slin use
I call BS on 335. Bodybuilders weights are inflated like crazy. Jay in 2009 was high 260's, maybe. Ramy was maybe 270 onstage in September and he sure as hell hasn't gained 65 pounds. I don't doubt 300, but 335 = BS.
Philsulina Heath never trained a day natural in his life. Same with Ramy. Ramy actually started bb-ing in 2003, but quit after some sort of accident. Not really sure what to think about Ramy yet. To me he looks like Markus Ruhl 2.0. Even when his muscle matures when he's 32/33/34, I'm not sure if he'll have a pleasing physique. Even Ronnie had aesthetics to him to some degree. Ramy is just a blob.