Biggest Fear about Gear?

Biggest Fear when ordering/getting/taking gear?

  • Getting Dirty Gear

    Votes: 21 15.2%
  • Getting Fake Gear

    Votes: 21 15.2%
  • Getting Scammed All Together

    Votes: 19 13.8%
  • Getting Busted

    Votes: 57 41.3%
  • Other, please specify?

    Votes: 20 14.5%

  • Total voters
I'd have to say getting busted and then getting dirty/fake gear.
I would have to go with the getting busted. Freedom is pretty high on my list of values. Especially now that they don't let inmates workout or use supps inside. That would just suck. The girls in there are not that pretty either, from what I see on TV. In fact, I believe they all have dicks.
The biggest fear about gear should be doing a cicle without a clue how to combine the different stuff and get all the secondary effects like impotency, infertility, lack of sex drive, stressed liver, kidneys, high blood preasure, or other health issues. These are the most important, then we have: lose of all the gains you have got from a bad formulated cicle becouse your gains were almost 90% of water.