You probably already know this but EQ will give you extremely high red blood cell counts. If you are already predisposed to having high red blood cell counts, make sure to donate and then try to donate 1-2 weeks before your blood work in July.
I have an order to go as much as every three weeks because of it. I was 16.6 on my labs and I went last on 12-23-16 to blood bank.
For this reason I avoided Eq for a while. I haven't taken it in about 3 years but I always had good results from it stacked test.
I also do better with 14-20 week blasts. I like short blast too but need right orals and short esters.
What I will do is this I will start test e or c 600 a week eq 600 a week with some avar around 30-60 a day for 5 weeks. Prolly put test up to 750 around 4 weeks to reimburse coming off avar.
If things going good at 2 months I will continue eq and around 10 weeks cruise at 200 test and lift eq to 750-900 depending on red blood control.
When I clear eq ester around starting around say week 14 drop it depending on bp, body fat%, and other health signs if all good will put rest of avar in with short esters mild like tren a 50 EOD and test prop or ace around same with trt cruise at same.
Week 18-26 I plan to be on cruise trt dose 100 a week with MC IGF. I will stock everything after tax return.
Also wanna kick things off with MC igf just what I can until cash is right.
I also need some more AI's. My letro is old and think it's not up to par anymore.
I know this is alot, but it's only a plan. I may change things up play it all by ear.
I am going do blood at Bank Monday after work. I want to gain some muscle and lose some fat that is goal.
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