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Since I've been running some new compounds I've noticed I'm getting way to many cuts. Skin is getting thin or something. Diet is good and I take vits. Never had this problem before. Its my first time running EO/GSO also.

Anyone know whats up with this???????????????
you on ECA by any chance? or EQ?

I take ephedrine here and there but its been a couple weeks without. I take about 600-1000mgs. caffine a day also. I was also thinking about the high doses of b6 and b12 to that I take.

Also for the last couple of days I been getting really itchy, like insane itchy. It feels like the first time you tan in a bed if that makes sense. Almost like I'm ready to break a sweat but don't. Itching right now really bad. Showers and lotions aren't helping. Been on for over 10 weeks now and this just started.
just checked BP 132/90, no rashes. Just popped a couple Benedryl. Runing prop/tren 700/700. No tanning. This sucks, happened 2 days ago for about 3 hours and been going on today for a couple hours. I know it could be lots of diff. things, think I'll go research some.
interesting, found that liver and or kidney problems can cause itching also. Wonder if liver problems can cause skin to cut and bleed easier also? I feel great, eyes are still white, did have a few stiff drinks in the last few days though.
washing clothes in any new soap or anything. Could be the liver thing are you on any protectants? could just be a reaction to something around your house, anything change in the last few days?
flushing from the b vitamans? Niacin?? Other then that ??? Keep us updated if you figure it out.
Not using any liver protectants. Its not soaps or anything like that. Either it just quit or the benedryl worked. Was good for about 5 hours now its starting again I think so I took another dryl. Both times this started I was about 12 hours late on my ed shot but I don't see how that could have anything to do with it.

Going to drink a bunch of water tonight also and see what happens.

Also I'm not sweating like I think I should be yet feel hot. I'm also not running a-dex everyday, I'll go a few weeks until bloat and acne starts coming on then run about 10days on the AI. Feels like my gains are better doing this but not sure. Is that a really bad idea?????
Sounds like a reaction to something. B vitamins, as Mcgaret said would be a good starting point. So your skin is seeming thin. Sounds like some dehydration issues as well. The itching happens to me from almost every no product out there. Especially muscletechs stuff. Is that in your supp arsenal. I also noticed I am bleeding easier if I shave on this stuff. Bled for an hour just from cutting a mole while shaving.
This morning everything is good. I usually never worry or complain about any sides. Looking at my hands and arms there are just a bunch of cuts / scratches / scabs, nothing really bad just different than what I'm used to. Typically I would never where a bandade but actually had too a couple times not to bleed on furniture and stuff. Think I'm going to switch all my caffine up to just straight like no-dose and kick the B's for a while, not sure how much they actually help anyway.
Thanks for all the help and if I find anything out more I'll keep posted, otherwise I'm just going to roll on. That itching is very, very, aggitating though. Like a body of irratated poison Ivy for a few hours. So far its only happened twice though.
BTW I sweated like a beast again last night, seems to help, may have been dehydrated from some alcohol consumption, who knows.