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My friend got a blends of (Prop 100mg/Fina 75mg) 10ml.
How was wonder how many bottles this blend is needed for this cycle and how many cc to inject EOD for this cycle?
150mg Prop EOD 1-8
100mg Tren EOD 1-8
50mg Winny (tab) ED 4-8
1st...100mg/ml means that in a 10ml vile you will have a total of 100 x 10 = 1000mg

2nd... to do 150mg eod for 8 weeks means you take 7 x 8 = 56 days divided by 2 (every other day means that you will cut teh total number of days to inject down to 28 adn 28days x 150mg = 4200total mg of prop for an eight week cycle
3rd....seeing as you only have 1000mg of prop per vile you will need five viles of the substance to get you done.....btw, your gonna have some left over...
hope tyhisd has helped you....if you take the time you can figure it out on your own bro':thumbsup:
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Hey Bro, I'll give you a hand. I know this stuff can sometimes get confusing, but it's not really too bad. Lets try and keep this simple. 1.5 cc of your prop/tren combo comes out to 150 mg of prop, and 112.5 mgs of tren. Close enough, for what you are looking for. Any how, lets just say EOD injections would be 4 a week. Multiply 4 injections a week by 1.5 cc's. That comes out to 6 cc's a week. 6 cc's is how much a week you'll need. Then multiply that by 8 weeks and you come up with 48 cc's total for your 8 week cycle.

As for the winny, just take 7 days x 4 weeks. That comes out to 28 days. The next part will depend on the type of tabs you buy. QV tabs are 10 mgs each. In that case you would need 5 per day. So you take 5 per day x 28 days which equals 140 tabs. If you opt for another brand where each tab is 5 mg each then just double it.

You mentioned earlier you wanted to do the winny for week 4-8. That is actually 5 weeks. If that is what you are looking for just change the 4 to a 5. I hope that breaks it down well enough for you Bro. If not feel free to ask for a clarification. Take care. TY