Blood work help needed!!


New member
What do I tell the doc I need to have done? What numbers are important and what do they mean? I saw a long time ago in the Anabolic Reference Guide by W. Nathaniel Phillips (Bill Phillips of EAS) a page that showed what you needed. Does anyone have this? Or any other thoughts? What is the typical cost of this? Thanks!
Not sure of the cost because it is free in Canada but I have had my liver values checked and cholesterol levels, blood pressure. I can't remember the other importtant ones.
Probably a test to check Kidney function, liver function, lipid levels should be mandatory, and possibly thyroid levels, and Test levels.
I think the previous posts covered the basics...maybe a PSA test for your prostate. As far as what the levels mean, most blood tests come with a standard acceptable range that you will be able to match it up agaist -actually the test will tell you if you are low or high. Maybe a hematacrit level also. There is a standard test that includes all of these values-can't remember the name. Of course your MD can go over the results with you and explain everything.