Blue Silk Bath Salts...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Anyone else heard of this? I'd never heard of it until yesterday, not sure how long it's been out, but apparantly it's synthetic cocaine made from lidocaine and MDPV. Supposed to be decent, but potent as hell. I was wondering when something like this would hit the market, but here it is. I would assume it's been out for a little while, but who knows. I would never try something like this in fear of my life, but I figured I'd see if anyone had heard of it or tried it because my buddy is all about this now. He loves the real thing, but can't do it because of his job so when he found out about this you would've thought he had hit the lottery.
They already illegalized it in louisiana. People were tripping out. A cop I know got a call one night from a guy on his cell who was in his closet and scared of the goat that was holding his bed hostage. No kidding. I know their dispatcher and he affirmed it happened and said they were getting several calls a day of people tripping on that stuff. Be careful. Its the stimulant equivalent of k2 I guess.
is it real bath salts, like stuff being sold in stores as batch salts? im kind of lost? is it something anyone can go buy at a store?
is it real bath salts, like stuff being sold in stores as batch salts? im kind of lost? is it something anyone can go buy at a store?

lol, never mind i just googled it and found it on bluelight, here is just one post from a Blue Silk Bath Salt user below:

i have done this its called snow lepoard in my area it is just like the real thing but its got worse symptoms i lost 15 lbs in a week my hair has been falling out and my skin is peeling its almost like im a reptile. i tuely think its worse then the real thing moodiness depression i have no intentions of doing it again.

It sounds great doesnt it,lmao!
the real stuff gives me the worst anxiety. This stuff sounds like an evening of hell.
the real stuff gives me the worst anxiety. This stuff sounds like an evening of hell.

LMAO, that's the funniest thing I've read all day. I'm sorry, but that evening of hell shit got me, thanks bro I needed that even though I know you didn't mean it to be funny.

But yea, I used to use the real thing on weekends back in my partying days, too many sleepless nights to remember and if this BS keeps you up longer than the real thing AND WITH sides, fuck that shit. I couldn't imagine that. I know some people will do it simply because it's legal (in some areas), but to hell with that....I can't imagine doing something that I'm thinking is going to speed me up and then I start hallucinating, I'd probably be suicidal at that point
OK I dont know about all of you, but personally I dont want my penis to be dipped in lidocaine, Im sure its great on legs and back tho, but I wouldnt want a whole bath in it
Anyone else heard of this? I'd never heard of it until yesterday, not sure how long it's been out, but apparantly it's synthetic cocaine made from lidocaine and MDPV

Bro, you may not know, but this isn't exactly a bath salt, it's labeled as a bath salt, but it's a synthetic cocaine. It's like that syhnthetic marijuana that was legal in most states at one point
BTW, after reading that post, I spit out the soda I had in my mouth, I know (or am assuming) you didn't know what it truly was, but that was some funny shit
BTW, after reading that post, I spit out the soda I had in my mouth, I know (or am assuming) you didn't know what it truly was, but that was some funny shit
hahahahahahahaha wow yup totally thought it was bath salts like that u pour into a bath.............. Thats like saying something is a new 16 inch pizza and say its really a rim, c'mon now. I cant believe they have something legal to snort made out of lido, seeing as lido is a RX unless its like .0005% in sun burn cream. Yeah thats pretty damn funny, and u can see why it was odd to me why someone would bathe in lidocaine, and I see how Presser is like WTF is this guy talkin about. fantastic.
Yea man, I got a hell of a laugh on that one, my girl even asked me what I was laughing at and then she came over and read it too. I had to explain to her what it was and what you thought it was, but that's some funny stuff. Yea, the MDPV is supposed to be like adderall on steroids from what I've heard
Oh I almost forgot, so My wife got home from school yesterday (highschool teacher) and I told her about this thread and the bath salts, and she was like "Oh Yeah My kids are sniffing them" lol she said she already got an email from the front office letting the teachers know that this shit was going around and that kids were spazzing out on them and that one kids bugged out real bad and started stabbing himself with a knife over and over again,lol, i know i shouldnt laugh but what happen to hanging out at a bar and waiting for a runner to go in and grab u a six pack so u and ur five other friends could get dizzy off one beer each,lmao

damn times have changed
but what happen to hanging out at a bar and waiting for a runner to go in and grab u a six pack so u and ur five other friends could get dizzy off one beer each,lmao

damn times have changed

its cause these fucking moron shops are selling this stuff to MINORS, which causes all the uproar. Usually, if adults wanna fuck up their lifes, we just let them. But not kids.

At least alcohol is illegal - not that it much stops kids from getting it. But its still harder to get alcohol than it is this shit.
its cause these fucking moron shops are selling this stuff to MINORS, which causes all the uproar. Usually, if adults wanna fuck up their lifes, we just let them. But not kids.

At least alcohol is illegal - not that it much stops kids from getting it. But its still harder to get alcohol than it is this shit.

That's absolutely true and that's also the reason why AAS has gotten so frowned upon. At least around here. No body used to really give a damn about it, but once the high school kids started obtaining it, it all of a sudden became the worst thing ever, but 10 years ago, literally no body cared. It's crazy how things can go unnoticed until kids get their hands on something and then it's ruined for everybody. But I guess you can't really stop it, but you can control it to some degree