Bodybuilding books, magazines, and videos

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Anything good out there? Everytime I spring for a magazine I'm let down. What about good books? Anyone have one of those Anabolic reference guides that have the new pics of drugs and descriptions? What about training videos?
your just not plugged in anymore are ya brutha,lol, a gymrat like me, home gym work, anyhow yeah i like MD and Flex once in a while, dont be fooled by the Magazine Called "BOYS" with the shredded 18 year old on the cover,lol, its not for us! lol
Oh also I think those Anabolic reviews are good reads, but these days most everything is Under Ground, and that book always listed loads of good quality steroids, i wonder what theyre going to do now days?
LOL!!! Thanks for the heads up!! I've always wanted the Dorian Blood and Guts and the Ronnie Coleman videos. Ya the UG stuff comes and goes so fast!! The difference between one guy and another can be INSANE! It seems like nothing holds true anymore. I had a 400 mg per ml Deca bottle from one guy that made me sick everytime I did it. Then I had a 500 mg per ml bottle of test from another guy that was so smooth, painless, and strong I'd swear it was a gift from the gods! It would be great if some one took the need to try stuff out of the equation!
I get all of my information from Forums...I don't even bother with magazines or books anymore. Seems to be mostly crap information or advertisements.
I wish they would come out with an underground magazine with all the "good" info you really want to know about.
I wish they would come out with an underground magazine with all the "good" info you really want to know about.

I have the perfect name for the magazine to,lol MuscleChemistry Magazine,lol, now if everyone would just send me a few sample of their gear I would be happy to publish it for ya in our new Mag due out on stands sometime in the next 10-20 years,lol
I have the perfect name for the magazine to,lol MuscleChemistry Magazine,lol, now if everyone would just send me a few sample of their gear I would be happy to publish it for ya in our new Mag due out on stands sometime in the next 10-20 years,lol

EXACTLY! Remember when MuscleMag had the section on Anabolics? That was awesome. Even though you already knew the info, it was an exciting read. I would love to see training videos of members. I watched a guy that somehow got a training thing with Flex this year even though he's much smaller and less developed than me. It's always interesting to see the little twists people do
Anybody remember when MuscleMedia 2000 was Anabolic Update? I pretty much stopped buying the rags after that went away. I am always disappointed if I ever break down and buy one now.
An underground news letter would probably do well. In this day in age, its desperatly needed. Sponsors could pay for ads and all.
As for books, I still refer to Chris Acetos books, I have all 3. I also like Dr. Hatfields book. As for videos, I have dorians and love it but he also has a series on Just google dorian blood and guts with in it and it will bring you to it. Its almost the same thing but he is training some guy over a week period.
The only mag I get is MD. Its ok but too much advertisng junk. I just like the pics really. Oh, I go to and see if they have videos from time to time. I like to see if I learn a new exercise. Its mostly amateurs trianing so I enjoy the cocky behaviour on occasion.
An underground news letter would probably do well. In this day in age, its desperatly needed. Sponsors could pay for ads and all.
As for books, I still refer to Chris Acetos books, I have all 3. I also like Dr. Hatfields book. As for videos, I have dorians and love it but he also has a series on Just google dorian blood and guts with in it and it will bring you to it. Its almost the same thing but he is training some guy over a week period.
The only mag I get is MD. Its ok but too much advertisng junk. I just like the pics really. Oh, I go to and see if they have videos from time to time. I like to see if I learn a new exercise. Its mostly amateurs trianing so I enjoy the cocky behaviour on occasion.

Jeff Summers use to have one and send it out through postal mail. It was bigger like a News Paper size but just a few pages each and it had all the info you wanted on this type of stuff. I forget what it was called but i do remember people complaining cause it said something like "Steroid Review" right on the cover and the packaging was clear so the mail man and everyone could see it, but i always thought about doing something like this back in the day but have no idea how to print a new paper type thing