Bodyparts you don't train or routinely skip??

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm curious as to how many people have muscle groups that they routinely skip or don't train entirely and what the reason is. Personally I have never trained my forearms as they get enough stimulation through my regular weight training. I've seen some guys with monstrous calves that maybe do a set a month. I also had a friend that would routinely skip chest training because his chest was such a dominant muscle group. Anyone else like this?
abs, never do them in the off season, and for this prep I may have trained them a total of 10 times.
I dont do traps or abs. Its hard to get the energy for hams after quads so Im tryin got do them on another day.
I've been missing calves a lot lately because I run out of time at the gym but I'm going to buckle down and get them in.
Abs ... Sometimes calves( frustrated that they are growing ) .... I also suck at stretching which I know is extremely important . It's often based on time issues ..
I just started doing abs once a week. The only time I'll give calves more time is so I can really slam the shit out of them. They get trained once a week as well.
I would say I skip calves, now I do them once every other week reason being is that i use to train them eod and bastards are just ignorant and don't want to grow.
I hardly ever do abs. I used to never train bis and tris, but I've been training them lately
I can't believe how many guys skip traps!! I skipped mine for a bit, but I definately didnt want to. Now I train them with back. At least a couple sets of some kind of shrug.