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Anyways....Im not a fan of the redsox or tha yankees, but you gotta give props to the kid that threw a nohitter in his 2nd game ever in the major leagues.......just had to throw that out there........
Clay Buchholz will have a great career whoever he plays for. And that no hitter was exactly what the Sox needed.
fuck that sox yanks will get wildcard or possibly come back and take the division. Just like they swept them last week :) sorry i hate boston with a passion.
Get_Swole said:
fuck that sox yanks will get wildcard or possibly come back and take the division. Just like they swept them last week :) sorry i hate boston with a passion.

I feel the same way about NY brutha :thumbsup:
I understand bro im a diehard braves fan. But NY is my 2nd fav. I just have never liked boston to each their own though :wave: lol.
To each their own...I can agree on that. As much as I hate the Yankees, I love the rivalry and baseball just wouldn't be the same without those assholes lol.

Everyone has a few favorite teams. Mine in order are:

1 Red Sox
2 Red Sox
3 Red Sox

7 games....
haha good one bro. Yeah i feel the same way about the braves and mets too. I hate the mets. Def. wouldnt be the same without the rivals though thats for sure.
I love the Yankees, I grew up in the Bronx so it's in my blood. I certainly don't "hate" other teams though, I never understood why so many Red Sox fans hate the Yankees so much.
Get_Swole said:
haha good one bro. Yeah i feel the same way about the braves and mets too. I hate the mets. Def. wouldnt be the same without the rivals though thats for sure.

You hate the Mets cause you were dropped on your head as a baby!!! :eek: God I love a good sweep;)
mikeswift said:
I love the Yankees, I grew up in the Bronx so it's in my blood. I certainly don't "hate" other teams though, I never understood why so many Red Sox fans hate the Yankees so much.

Because they are fun to hate! Sox fans see the Yankees as buying championships, they have and have always had the highest payroll (although Boston is not too far behind these days). That and the fact that Boston hadn't won a championship since 1918 and in that span NY won what...27? It's like a cult. Watch any of the Sox away games...especially Tampa, Toronto and Baltimore...there are more Sox fans there than the home team.
Here's a few more reasons:

The Sox giving away Babe Ruth to the Yankees which caused the Curse of the Bambino. You know how aggravating it is to see NY players rub the statue of the Babe before every playoff game?

The Boston Massacre in the 1978 season where the Sox had a 14 game lead in the last month of the season. NY came back to tie in the standings then won the division in a playoff game in Boston when Bucky Dent hit a HR to win it.

We lost the World Series in 1986 to the NY Mets, Boston had that game won and blew it. Sox fans took it out on the Yankees.

Then who could forget Boone's extra innings HR off Wakefield in 2003 that eliminated them out of the playoffs and sent them packing.
if you're a Sox fan these all sound like lots of reasons to hate the Sox not the Yankees if you ask me, all said and done I'm not even that big of a baseball fan to begin with. I'm a Giants fan because I love football.
mikeswift said:
if you're a Sox fan these all sound like lots of reasons to hate the Sox not the Yankees if you ask me, all said and done I'm not even that big of a baseball fan to begin with. I'm a Giants fan because I love football.

If it were a different team the Sox were losing to year after year then we would hate the Sox. But it's always NY, therefore we hate the Yankees. Until recently of course when they came back from 3 down to win the AL and swept the WS.

It's what rivalries are all about. You hate your rival, just like in any sport. Why would you hate your own team?
I hope the sox make it to the superbowl this year! lol Wait, i dont even watch sports. I think im still drunk from lastnight.........
h8tr3d said:
I hope the sox make it to the superbowl this year! lol Wait, i dont even watch sports. I think im still drunk from lastnight.........

LOL. I was actually at the Sox game last night and managed to start a "YANKEES SUCK" chant. Boston vs. Toronto and everyone is yelling YANKEES was great.
PJT said:
LOL. I was actually at the Sox game last night and managed to start a "YANKEES SUCK" chant. Boston vs. Toronto and everyone is yelling YANKEES was great.
lol, PJT you remind me of one of my boys so much. Hes such a diehard sox fan. Hes one of the ones who gets totallysmashed, and starts fights with yankee lovers. its good entertainment to watch!