Brag or complain about something Gym related....

I farted real loud once while doing the leg press while their was a hot chick doing calves right next to me, she left and i turned beat red
Also I seen some asshole doing lat pull downs, but between every set he would bend to the side and pick up his book and start reading like no one else was in the gym waiting for the lat pull down machine, i personaly wasnt waiting for it, but it pissed me off none the less!
Man I can go crazy in this thread! I have a guy in my current gym who screams satantic shit while he is working out, so loud that you can hear him from the other floors in my gym. I got very very pissed the one time cause my wife was litterly 3 feet from him working out and he was screaming on the top of his fucking lungs some satantic shit, I use to laugh at him and shake my head so he could see me to let him no i realy didnt care he screamed like that and thought it was funny, but the day he was so rude as to do it next to a women is the day i lost all respect for him!
I farted real loud once while doing the leg press while their was a hot chick doing calves right next to me, she left and i turned beat red

lmao! Im notorious for this!
it always happens on the last rep of your heaviest set. and sometimes I fail to get it up - not because I cant, but because I start laughing.
Man I can go crazy in this thread! I have a guy in my current gym who screams satantic shit while he is working out, so loud that you can hear him from the other floors in my gym. I got very very pissed the one time cause my wife was litterly 3 feet from him working out and he was screaming on the top of his fucking lungs some satantic shit, I use to laugh at him and shake my head so he could see me to let him no i realy didnt care he screamed like that and thought it was funny, but the day he was so rude as to do it next to a women is the day i lost all respect for him!

what the fuck kind of satanic shit is this asswipe screaming? what is he listening to Slayer on his IPOD or something?

my personal favorite is assholes that make fun of big guys IN THE GYM!? yeah these little shits in East Tenn. walk around and mock the way some of the big guys walk...that's like a fucking dead beat on welfare hanging out in a bank making fun of a millionare
what the fuck kind of satanic shit is this asswipe screaming? what is he listening to Slayer on his IPOD or something?

my personal favorite is assholes that make fun of big guys IN THE GYM!? yeah these little shits in East Tenn. walk around and mock the way some of the big guys walk...that's like a fucking dead beat on welfare hanging out in a bank making fun of a millionare
lmao!! Its so true too....... they look at you like your the minority..... Ummmm hello Assholes, last time i checked it was a gym, not a fucking frat house!
lmao!! Its so true too....... they look at you like your the minority..... Ummmm hello Assholes, last time i checked it was a gym, not a fucking frat house!

no shit lol. Most of my friends are skinny so there is a huge difference between us when we walk in somewhere. I look bowed legged and like my arms are not supposed to touch my sides compared to them lol.

Yesterday in the gym the same douchebag was in the gym that put 2k on the legpress and went 15% of the way down he was doing incline press on the smith yesterday with 275 and went down about to the top of his forehead. I wanted to say something or laugh at him but i just minded my own business. He walks around like billy bad ass too i just shake my head and giggle.
I dunno if anyone's noticed this as much as me but this kinda goes with the whole 'socializing' in the gym thing. People on CELLPHONES while they're working out!! I've not seen this in awhile..and only usually see it btwn about 5:30-7:30 in my gym..but that drives me NUTS!!! You just wanna say to these dumbasses "Get off your @#$#@ cellphone and workout!!" and they wonder why they NEVER make any progress!
I dunno if anyone's noticed this as much as me but this kinda goes with the whole 'socializing' in the gym thing. People on CELLPHONES while they're working out!! I've not seen this in awhile..and only usually see it btwn about 5:30-7:30 in my gym..but that drives me NUTS!!! You just wanna say to these dumbasses "Get off your @#$#@ cellphone and workout!!" and they wonder why they NEVER make any progress!

My gym has a no cell phones on workout floor rule, but a few tools still bust out their sick nextells and two-way...I feel like picking up a 10 lb dumbell and smashing their phones when they set them down.
My gym has a no cell phones on workout floor rule, but a few tools still bust out their sick nextells and two-way...I feel like picking up a 10 lb dumbell and smashing their phones when they set them down.
HA I like that..for some reason I've never noticed that rule at our gym. But i like the 10 lbs dumbell thing even BETTER!! LOL:thumbsup:
I dunno if anyone's noticed this as much as me but this kinda goes with the whole 'socializing' in the gym thing. People on CELLPHONES while they're working out!! I've not seen this in awhile..and only usually see it btwn about 5:30-7:30 in my gym..but that drives me NUTS!!! You just wanna say to these dumbasses "Get off your @#$#@ cellphone and workout!!" and they wonder why they NEVER make any progress!

Lol, I hate that, too! I saw a guy just last week doing one-armed cable pushdowns for his tricep, and he was talking on his cell phone at the same time with his other hand! He looked like a complete idiot!
Lol, I hate that, too! I saw a guy just last week doing one-armed cable pushdowns for his tricep, and he was talking on his cell phone at the same time with his other hand! He looked like a complete idiot!

I saw a guy incline barbell benching pressing while on the phone!
I have a complaint. I hate coming in to a sloppy gym. Why is it so hard to put things back where you got them from?!?! If you want to drag a 45 plate over to use for back extensions, fine. If you want a 25 plate to hold while doing crunches, fine. If you bring a set of DBs over to the decline bench for some presses, fine....but put the crap back where it goes. This morning I walked into the little gym I work out at and there were dumbbells scattered everywhere, back extension machine in the middle of the floor, plates everywhere. I don't get it. I ended up putting everything back where it went and guess what, it took me about 2-3 minutes for everything. If each person would just put their own crap back it would take no time. Grrrrrrrr. I would hate to see what these slob's houses look like if that's how they leave things at the gym!!! Drives me crazy!!!
I have a complaint. I hate coming in to a sloppy gym. Why is it so hard to put things back where you got them from?!?!

I've just learned to accept that people can't read the "Please Re-Rack the Weights" signs posted all over the damn place. I hate when I can't find the DB's I need because they're all out of order. 35#'s where the 10's belong and no two same-weight DB's next to each other... such a pain in the ass. I always respectfully put everything I'm using back where it belongs, but when the DB rack is all fxcked up, I can't help it if I throw my weights in any random empty slot... It's not my job to keep the damn thing organized if other people aren't going to do so. It's really annoying.
I saw a guy incline barbell benching pressing while on the phone!

How did he do that? He must have had a bluetooth thing on, right? Still, how can you talk and press the weight up?
How did he do that? He must have had a bluetooth thing on, right? Still, how can you talk and press the weight up?

no, he didn't have a headset. he had his head cocked to the side to hold the phone in place. and he had 2 of his "bench buddies" spotting him.

this guy was part of the gang of skinny cut guys that tries to lift weight about twice as heavy as he can handle.