Branch Warren post surgery leg pic

sliped on cement getting out of a truck. He was in Georgia guest posing for a show. it was raining, and the cement was wet, and slippery
sliped on cement getting out of a truck. He was in Georgia guest posing for a show. it was raining, and the cement was wet, and slippery

The fucking curve balls life throws at ya are sometimes nealry unbearable
Quad tendon repair is a tough one to recover from. I hope he lets its heal for at least 3 months before attempting to squat any significant weight.
Although I hate him, Marcus Haley was squatting 315 for reps in the 20's 3 months after his quad tendon repair. The sooner you start training it, the better. My knee injury kept me from training legs for about 3 months. Starting back I kept hurting my left quad since it had to compensate for the right quad not firing right. Took a year before I was good again.
I'm sure he'll be under strict supervision that most of us would never dream of so hopefully he's able to come back fully from this as I'm sure he probably will, but I guess the next 6 months will be the deciding factor. I don't think he'll have time to recover and be in shape for the Arnold so he may have to wait another year to do any big shows
thats the problem with guest posin at a b.s. show i know im in ga and all the shows here are bs unless you are from atl he shoud have never done it he will be back rember the tri he tore
thats the problem with guest posin at a b.s. show i know im in ga and all the shows here are bs unless you are from atl he shoud have never done it he will be back rember the tri he tore

HUH? he was guest posing that's how he makes his money... he wasn't competing