breast implants


New member
I am researching the pros and cons on breast implants, however i have friends who got them done and love it and met others who regret it because of the complications and the painful recovery.

can anyone give me their opinions on it and what they have heard or experienced?
I have had no problems with mine....I LOVE them! LOL I went from a 34A to a 34D...I had no pain and never took a single pain pill. I researched for 2 years until I found my doc! He is great...he has done several penthouse pets and playboy I was able to see his work. He is very much into fitness and spent lots of time answering my questions and making sure that I was comfortable with the procedure. You can research docs at and make sure he is certified through the American Board of Plastic Surgery sure to look up malpractice info regarding the doc you can do a search on Google for "malpractice information (state the doc is in)" You will receive all information regarding any "settled" malpractice claims, that is, if your doc should have most likely will not find any info regarding pending cases because they have not been settled.

Feel free to PM me with any questions! :)
The secret is out...Missy..

My girl has asked about this and i told her NO i am happy with what she has....she has to be secure with what she has...JMO

I don't think you should put plastic in your body unless it makes you happy. She seems torn on the i told her i support her either way but i am against it.

Plus she wants children and i have not researched enough to see the pro's and con's on the subject.

Besides she has enough posterior to make up for it LMAO...

Just make sure you really weigh the options hon and i wish you the best if you decide to go with the implants
thanks missy, the weblink was very gave me a better outlook on the pros and cons of implants...i am not against it whatsoever, but its a lil scary to see the possible problems that can occur later in life with them.
oh and another thing missy, how much did you pay for the procedure? if i am to get them done it will cost me 5,000 canadian...i guess it depends on how reputable the doc is huh

i guess the next best thing is to talk to a doc about it.

archaic you have new boobies?!!! how come i never got to see them?!
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My wife just got them 2 weeks ago. We fly out to Beverly Hills and she went to Dr. Garth Fisher. He did a great job. You will pay more there, but when you're dealing with something like this, you want the best. I believe that since she trains so hard, she recovered so quickly. We were out shopping on Rodeo Drive the next day. She (and me) is very satisfied with the results.
i feel very left out right now..LOL

Hope all goes well and let me know...if my girl ever decides to look into this i want her to have the best options...thanks all for the info.

I had mine done for 4500 about 3 yrs ago , UNDER the muscle.
I am able to breast feed, they are saline. I did take my time to research and I was in pain a total of 1 week. then the swelling will take longer and I stayed away from the weight training in the upper body for a while but it was AWESOME!!!!!!
You are still able to breast feed? Hmm i thought it would not allow that after the surgery. That has been mine and my girl's concern...sounds like we need to do some research.
Chyna (wrestling babe) popped hers while wrestling.

Regarding pregnancy/breast feeding....that's why I haven't gotten them. I read in Cosmo or some mag like that (poor source of info?!?) sometimes they pop when a woman gets pregnant because of the increased blood volume.

I'd be interested in more info/experiences anyone may have cuz all I have for cleavage is muscle.
Hey no shame in what you got girl, I hate that women think they need a set of boobs to be sexy...

Bump to lizzyhl's question....i would like to know for future knowledge.
No doubt. Give a brother some booty and it's all good. Cuz you got to smack dat a........

Oh sorry forgot where i was. *ahem* I mean a woman who has a nice figure and a great personality is idea for me. LOL.

Hmm how does that saying go " A lady in the street, but a freak in the bed"

Sorry back to topic.

Are they really worth the risk though. I mean how would you all fell if the man pumped his all up? Seriously, an eight inch man pumps his to twelve...where you gonna put that? LMAO....stop drooling.
I had mine done last April. I went from a 34A to a 34C. I LOVE them! It cost $5300. My doctor was awesome - he's in the Philadelphia area. Mine were done under the muscle. I had pain for 3 days, until the ace bandage came off. Then I was great. On day 4 we went up to Connecticut to see the Jr. USA show. If you want them done, do it! My husband is still just in awe, and it's been 7 months.
thanks guys for all your input...yes and even you archaic... i appreciate everyones concerns and questions on it.
i would love to get them done in the between a 34 C and D (its a freak thing that runs in the family)..however, im losing bodyfat and its slowly disappearing as well and i would like to maintain what i have and have a ripped six pack!! why do women have to chose, it aint fair!! LOL
for all the ladies who shared their experience on the topic, thanks again!!
lol, my girl happens to go up a few sizes at that time of the month... so the gigantic tits make up for her bitchyness..........sometimes ;-)
Hello, i have researched breast implants for years.

Hello, i am not at all and expert but, you really should do as much research as possible. I was a phone call away from getting them and then i seen something on television about this website called silicon holocaust. It scared the s... out of me. I still think about it and have weighed the pros and cons and probably will never get them.
I think if you are cosidering having children you should maybe become a mother first and then make up your mind afterwards. Go to google and do a search for the website i mentioned at the top of the page and definitly talk to a doc, and ask lots of questions!
Good Luck!!
I am not an implant expert by any means.
But i just have no desire to have them.
I have seen alot of information on the negative effects.
And breast implants only last approx 5-10 years before they have to be taken out or replaced. I just dont think there is enough study of longterm effects to justify it.
Also i watched a program on woman who got breast cancer while they had implants and it was undetectable due to the fact that it was located under the implants. Just a bit too unpredictible and I am quite happy with what i have already.

I think it is an individual decision based on personal factors but i do think it is important to weigh the pros and cons and to really make sure you understand the long term effects or lack of them.